Here we go!

I first listened to Zig Ziglar’s tape series “The Goals Program” in the early 80’s. Prior to that, I had not really learned about setting goals.

Zig advocated setting a goal in each of the seven areas that make up our lives (spiritual, mental, physical, financial, social, family and career). He contended that people that have only one goal generally aren’t successful in life. For example, if you achieve your financial goal of becoming ‘rich’ and end up losing your wife and children in divorce court, have you succeeded? What if you destroyed your health in order to earn that money? What if you get the money but end up in prison? Would you say that you succeeded?

With that in mind, I have set two physical goals in my Fitness for Old Farts program: I will weigh 195 lbs. and have a 32″ waist by February 22nd.

Zig says that if you are setting a ‘give up’ goal, you should tell everybody. Well, I made a bet with a bodybuilder at work to give my goal some ‘teeth’!

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