The Beautiful Letdown, Part 2: Blondie’s directions

Realizing that I couldn’t change undo the dodge ball game, I refocused my attention on carrying out my plan and called my daughter to get directions to her location. This is what I heard: “Well, you make a right out of the church parking lot and then right on the second street. At the end it turns into a DIRT ROAD…and then there is a fork…and then there is another a fork…”

Rain clouds began forming very quickly in my brain. Before it got so dark that I couldn’t see anything, I asked “What am I looking for?”

“My friends house.”

Hey, that helps! I mean, I knew that I shouldn’t ask for an address on a dirt road with two forks in it. “WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? HOW WILL I KNOW THAT I AM THERE?”

“Dad, I don’t know. Just call me if you get lost. And its really bumpy”

Now, earlier in the day, when my daughter was deciding how and where she wanted to spend her afternoon, I had expressed that we had much to do and that she needed to be at a place where I could just drop in and pick her up. She had said, “I’m going to my friend’s house. They live right next to the church.”

“That sounds good. I’ll see you there.”

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