She’s Come Home, sort of

I haven’t written anything about our second daughter for a reason. She moved out of our home on her 18th birthday at the end of 2006 and the parting was not all that sweet.

We had home schooled her through the first year of high school. Although I was initially against it, she persuaded us to let her go to high school. She wanted to spearhead the high school outreach at Granada Hills High near our home.

She did great for the first semester. However, she eventually acquired new friends who pulled her in directions that we did not agree with. As you might expect, that led to more than a little conflict.

She left the Los Angeles area last October with some “friends” who quickly turned on her and deserted her within months of their arrival in the Detroit area. During this time, my wife and I decided that it would be best to let her call us if she wanted to talk.

You can imagine my surprise when she called me today to actually ask my advice on something!

She then proceeded to tell me a story that was almost too good to be true.

She was participating in an exercise for a class that she was taking when the Spirit of God unexpectedly came upon her. Instantly, she found herself weeping and crying in front of the whole class. She couldn’t stop. She wept continuously for the next three hours, through the remainder of the class, all during the drive home and then at home! She knew that her running from God had ended!

While I know that she still has many difficult choices ahead of her, God answered many people’s prayers! He did what we couldn’t do! He touched her heart! She said that she had always felt like her relationship with God wasn’t real, that it wasn’t fully hers. Now it is. Thank God!

And to top it off, we will get to see her next weekend at a wedding in Nashville! She will be flying in to attend her childhood friend’s wedding!

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