Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without em

I have a little catching up to do. I had problems with my computer. If you have been reading very long, you know that this is not new (click on the tag “MacBookPro”).

Anyway, it is all fixed now.

This time it was my fault. I decided to reorganize my application folder. It turns out that is not always a good thing to do. You can actual mess your computer up so that is NO LONGER RUNS!!!

Anyway, it is all fixed now.

I just had to erase my hard drive, re-install the operating system, transfer all of my old information from my backup hard drive (thank God for Time Machine) and then reinstall whatever I did not back up…TWICE!!!

Anyway, it is all fixed now. And it is a little more organized.

And yes, I am backing EVERYTHING up as I type this.

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