This should have been a celebration

This is my 500th post on this blog! I just wish it were about a happier topic.

I haven’t written about technology in quite awhile. That’s because I haven’t had any problems in quite awhile.

After my third Cingular 8525 died, I decided to buy the most basic phone I could find. Forget PIM software, Excel spreadsheets, portable Word documents. I just wanted a phone that would still work after being dropped repeatedly.

I went back to a paper Day-Timer. It’s not as if my life is all that complicated right now. Also, my Day-Timer still works if I drop it! 

I also enjoyed several months with little to no problems with my MacBook Pro laptop.

That was true until our digital camera executed a quick and very bloody attack on me at our son’s graduation ceremony.

We actually remembered to take the camera this time. I can’t tell you how many times we have arrived at an “important” event and realized that we didn’t bring the camera.

Now, I wish we forgot it one more time.

The ceremony was held at the Kemper Arena. I guess that it seats between 6-12,000 people. Needless to say, we were pretty far away from the action.

Even when completely zoomed in, our son was still just a face in the crowd.

Ah, but I got a “great” idea. They were broadcasting what was happening onstage on the big overhead screens hanging down in the center of the arena ceiling. I thought, I will just take a picture of the screen when my son receives his diploma!

I did a test shot…


We were sitting next to some friends from the wrestling team. Their son was walking up the stairs to the stage. I wanted to bless them so I took a picture of him walking across the stage. Great!

I then snapped it again when he was receiving his diploma…

and ended up with a picture of the guy behind him!!! The camera too so long to complete the first picture that it completely missed the second! I couldn’t believe it!

My heart sank…I had a great idea to bless them and it didn’t work!

My son’s row moved toward the stage. I snapped a few shots. Everything was working normally again. I decided to try to take two pictures of him on stage. I would just take the first picture earlier.

As soon as he reached the top step, I snapped it. Plenty of time…

I kept looking up at the big screen through the camera…




By the time the screen came back up, my son was not even in the picture!!! I not only didn’t get a picture of him receiving his diploma; I completely missed the big moment! After watching who knows how many of his peers receive, I never even saw my own son!

But that wasn’t the end of it. My wife was also upset that I missed it!

Anyway, let’s just say that it made for a very long night and morning.

I think I am going to go back to the old camera. I would have gotten all of the shots that I wanted with that one.

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