That’s not loud

We had a thunderstorm this morning. That’s a very common occurance here.

At about 10:00 A.M., a very bright flash of lightning hit and was immediately followed by loud thunder. At least one of the men in our shop screamed. I think it scared more men than him.

When I heard it, I started telling my friend the story about the biggest clap of thunder I have ever heard.

10-15 seconds later, another lightning strike followed immediately by thunder. This one was not quite as loud as the first one.

I kept telling my story…

20-30 seconds later, a third flash of lightning followed immediately by thunder…louder than the first one…

I finished my story just before the fourth lightning strike hit our shop!

It knocked power out for an entire block. The electrical surge fried our surveillance cameras, internet cables, etc. It took the better part of three hours before the power was restored and nearly five for the phones and Internet connections to be restored.

I’m telling the truth, the thunderclap that hit when I bought the bookshelf was at least 4 times louder!

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