You’ve got to write it down

I generally use this time of year to set goals. This year is no exception.

On New Year’s Day, I turned on my computer and looked for the file that contained my 2009 goals. It took me a few minutes to find it.

It turns out that last year, for the first time, I wrote my goals in an Excel spreadsheet rather than a word processing document. I didn’t remember that…

because I have not looked at them since the day I wrote them!

You might say, “What is the point of writing them down if your never going to look at them?”

That is a really good question.

I agree with you…

to a point…

and then I don’t.

Once I found them, I was really struck by how close I came to meeting many of them. I don’t know what it is but something changes when you write your goal down. It is as if putting the pen to paper, or in my case fingers to the keyboard, creates a sense of ownership. Once you write it, or type it, you own it.

But, it really helps if it is a good goal.

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