Now, where were we

Nearly thirty years ago, I bought a tape series by Zig Ziglar on setting goals. It changed my life.

One of his best insights is that we shouldn’t just have one or two goals. We should have goals in every area of life.

For instance, if my only goal is to climb the corporate ladder to make $250,ooo/year, will I really consider myself a success if I accomplish it but lose my wife and kids in the process? What if I accomplish it and lose my health in the process? Would I call consider either of those scenarios “success”?

Probably not.

What if i don’t achieve it? If that is my only goal in life, then that would pretty much make me a failure.

Therefore, it is better to set a goal (or goals) in every area of life.

Zig breaks down them down as follows:  Spiritual, Physical, Financial, Social, Career, Mental and Family. In my life, I break the last one into smaller categories of Marriage, Children, and family.

Where do you want to be in one year? in five years? in ten years? What about when you die? A good exercise for that is to write your own dream obituary.

Anyway, I am in the middle of achieving my first quarterly spiritual goal of the year and am really tired, so…

I hope this helps someone…

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