What ever happened to full disclosure?

I should be more of a butt to my wife…

I mean, sometimes I am just too agreeable!

I told you that she was going to go on this radical diet to lose weight. I also told you that she if she succeeds in hitting her goal, I will have to get braces.

I have also told you that am less than thrilled with the prospect of wearing braces at 50 years old. But…

Being the “good” husband that I am, I encouraged her and told her that I hoped the diet worked for her.

It has only been four days but reality is beginning to dawn on me…

Evidently I inadvertently agreed to go on a diet too! That’s funny to me because I distinctly don’t remember being asked if I wanted to do that!

For the next 38 days, her caloric intake is really limited. So is her choice of foods. Guess what that means…

I can either eat what she cooks for her and my daughter or…I can make my own???

I want to say, “Hey, wait a minute, woman! I didn’t sign up for this!” But, what am I going to do…

Ask her to make me some “real” food? Right! I am going to be the one that puts the stumbling block in front of her…Homey don’t think so!

But I am not just affected at home…

Take this afternoon for example. I pulled out my iPhone this afternoon and checked her schedule…

She works tomorrow night but doesn’t work tonight! An great idea bubbled up in my cranium…

I can surprise her by taking her out on a date on a Thursday night!

I started picturing of where we might go…what we might order…and then it dawned on me…

She can’t eat anything! We can’t go anywhere!…for the next 60 days!!!

It has only been four days but I already don’t like this diet!

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One Response to What ever happened to full disclosure?

  1. Genwhirl says:

    Hey…you can always take her to coffee. Granted, she’ll have to drink it black for the most part, but…that’s an option. =)

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