I actually thanked him!

Two weeks ago, I turned 54. Since then, it feels like my life has been turned upside down.

Yesterday was my son’s birthday. I called him as soon as I got on the road.

By the time that I arrived at the 1/2 mile long section of my drive home that passes through a residential area, I was already engrossed in listening to him give the latest update on what has been happening in his life.

About two blocks away, I noticed a thin, clear light bar on top of a white car heading toward me. I started pondering how today’s police departments have switched from trying to prevent crime to catching people. There is more money in it. After all, there are pensions that must be funded! So, instead of the red lights on top of a black and white police car, now we have nearly invisible lights on cars painted to look like any other vehicle.

Anyway, all of these thoughts passed through my mind while I was listening to my son…until he drove by me and turned his lights on!

I got pulled over for speeding.

36 in a 25 mile per hour zone.

What was I thinking? I never had the slightest sense that I was speeding.

Some people claim that we haven’t made any progress in racial relations in the United States. I would beg to differ! I got to witness up close and personal a young black man writing a ticket to a middle age (OK, old) white guy! I’d call that progress!

His demeanor seemed like he was relatively new. The Scripture from Romans 13 came to my mind…”he (civil authority) is a minister of God for good.” Perhaps the reason that I never thought to check how fast I was going was because the Lord wanted to encourage this young man by giving him an easy citation!

While he wrote me up, I thought of the many times I had whispered a plea that God would please cover me while I sped to get to work on time. There was no complaint inside of me. I knew that I had earned this one…many times over!

I actually said, “Thank you” when he handed me the ticket.

Wheb I compared the $75 fine that I have to pay to the years of mild speeding (+10 MPH) that I have been guilty of. I concluded that God was very merciful with me.

This morning, as I made the right hand turn to pass through this same section on my way to work, I then remembered instances where I had been frustrated with people who had quickly pulled out in front of me so they could drive 25 miles per hour! Maybe I had no cognizance that I was speeding because it looked normal to me!

Anyway, I’m not proud of it…but guilty as charged!

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