No Shave November

I received a text from my youngest daughter this morning…

“Can you do ‘No Shave November’ for me????”

I didn’t really want to. I don’t really understand when this started or what it’s all about…

Besides, when I grew my first beard earlier this year, my wife didn’t like it. She couldn’t get used to kissing me (yes, we still kiss!) with whiskers on my top lip.

Well, I like that my wife likes kissing me. Fun things seem to follow, if you know what I mean…

But then a thought entered my head…

“She’s leaving for a week and a half…so she won’t be around…so why should she care.”

I texted back…

“Since Mom is leaving me to spend time with another man for the next week and a half (she is flying back to California to visit her elderly parents), I am going to say yes…until Thanksgiving morning.”

Evidently, that made her morning…

“Haha, yayyy!!! :D…Maybe I’ll participate and not shave my legs ;)”

The last time that Cakes didn’t shave her legs for the month of November nearly drove my wife crazy. The thought of her coming back to Missouri with my face and Cake’s legs covered in hair is just too much fun.

I texted back…

“She will love that! Maybe if we both shave on Thanksgiving morning, she will REALLY be thankful.”

With that, I started growing my second beard. It will probably take me the whole month to actually grow one!

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