I called Apple and explained everything and then heard this…
“That computer won’t run Tiger. I don’t know what the “Genius” was thinking. It will only run Leopard.”
At this moment, I felt like the guy who asked for directions to the Houston Convention Center only to be told by the old man sitting on the front porch, “You c-a-i-n’t get thair from here.”
“Well, Appleworks isn’t working with Leopard and I have several thousand files with custom formatting. What do you suggest that I do?”
“You’ll just have to convert the files with some other software.”
“There is no way that I can do that right now. I need to return the computer. It’s useless to me!”
“I really don’t think that is the answer. You are going to have to cross this bridge at some point.”
I told her that I would call back because I wasn’t able to decide if I wanted to cross that bridge right now.