They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Well, tonight, I don’t know if that is such a good thing.
My son is making new seat covers for our old, beat up F-150! I mean, he has a sowing machine out and is sowing plastic clips onto the fabric! I am actually impressed!
I wonder where he gets that from? Hmmm…let me think…DON’T TELL ME…
Maybe he got it from watching his father remodel an entire house for his entire life… (by the way, the link will take you to pictures of the end result)
or maybe he got it from watching his father essentially rebuild an entire car…
I’ll figure it out soon!
Do you know what is really ironic? My wife, who is probably the only person on the planet who wanted to get rid of that truck for the last decade more than me actually bought the fabric so he could fix it. Do you think she dotes on her son???