A hired gun

This morning I was interviewed by two men for a position as a pastor.

On the way to the interview, I had a little excitement. As I was driving to the interview, I started losing the sight in my right eye! My right eye is my dominant eye!

I had opaque stars flashing in my eye. For me, that marks the onset of a migraine headache. I called my wife and asked her to pray for me. 

Her prayers were answered. By the time I sat down for breakfast, everything was returning to normal.

I think that the interview went very well. I was as truthful and transparent as I know how to be. I think that they are going to recommend me to a small church that cannot afford to support a full-time pastor. Right now, they can pay a stipend for someone to preach and teach on Sundays. Then, as the church grows, their support will grow.

That is actually a perfect situation. It will allow me to gradually step back into the ministry without taking on the full weight of a congregation. Then, if I like it, I can grow in it. However, for now, if it works out, I will be a hired gun.

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