My son finished his 1-2 page essay for Drexel University.
Well, I should probably rephrase that…
“We” finished his essay for Drexel University. I use “we” in the “royal” sense.
I don’t know how other parents handle such situations. As a rule, I will help my children with their papers by correcting or editing them. However, I have steadfastly refused to write them. My reasoning is that if I write them, how can they be graded on it?
I started out that way on this essay.
His first draft was a nice personal story about his admiration for his parents and how much we have affected him and a paragraph with some of his creative ideas for building houses. However, it had little to do with why he wanted to major in Business and Engineering at Drexel University…and I told him so.
Before I sent him back to the drawing board, I went through and picked out ideas from what he had written.
This guy has got some really creative ideas! I found myself getting more excited about his future than I have ever been! Wow!…And I told him so!
I came up with a working outline that I thought could really be a great essay, handed it back to him and told him to get to work.
To his credit, he worked hard over several nights and wrote three pages.
Now, I thought I was bad at getting into too much detail…
Unfortunately, he is a chip off the old block…the new and improved version!
The essay had to be turned in this weekend…
I did not write his paper!
I just did a whole bunch of cutting…and pasting…and combining…and deleting
…about five hours worth!
If I made him do it, it would have taken him about 20 hours. And final exams start on Monday…
I can’t decide if I am happy with myself or not…I am not an “end justifies the means” kind of guy.
Anyway, the essay is done and his future is bright. Now, we just need them to give him a bunch of money and everything will be perfect!