My youngest daughter started training for her new job…
She will be a hostess at a very nice restaurant near our apartment, The Bonefish Grille. Inside the restaurant, the lighting is subdued, the food is excellent and the prices aren’t cheap. What I am trying to say is that this is a place where adults work!
Down in Texas, my oldest daughter is starting to square dance with a young man to see if their do-ce-do’s might develop into a parentally approved wrestling match…
that’s all I’m gonna say about that right now (think Forrest Gump)
My son is reading books at night…
You might ask, “How does that fit?”
Well, with all of this standardized testing that he has been going through, he now realizes that his parents WERE really trying to help him by encouraging him to read more. So, he heads to Starbucks every night…TO READ!!!
If my children are growing up, that must mean…
that I’m getting older!