If it’s Sunday, that must mean that we are visiting another new church…
Sure enough…
Yesterday, while visiting my new Nissan mechanic, I saw a nice looking church. I went online to see what they believed. It looked like a very good match!
This is our 1oth different church that we have visited!
Once we were inside, I learned that it was a Pentecostal church!
That explains why their statement of faith lined up so closely with my own! The roots of my own Charismatic faith grew out of the Pentecostal movement which largely sprang out the Baptists which branched off from the Puritans which separated from the Church of England which broke from the Catholic Church oh so many years ago!
I’ve never been to a real Pentecostal church before. I liked it.
My wife and I are in agreement…
We are going to go back!