I am sure that you have heard of people who cannot sleep because their circadian rhythm is messed up.
Well, I think my trip screwed up my annodian rhythm. That word comes from the Latin word for year, anno, and describes the yearly cycle in the biochemical, physiological or behavioral processes of living entities.
Actually, I just made that word up…
It doesn’t exist…
but mine is still all messed up!
I say that because this afternoon at work, I wanted to go home in the worst way. The clock was moving SO slowly…
And it wasn’t because I was bored…
I could not wait to go home and celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow! My heart was thrilled!
There is just one problem…
Thanksgiving is still SIX weeks away!
After pondering what could have thrown me so out of whack, I came to the conclusion that it was waking up to 3/4″ of snow on the ground Saturday morning. If the first snow fell in middle of November, my anticipation would be perfectly appropriate. Thanksgiving would be here in a week or two. Normal, healthy anticipation of our nation’s greatest holiday…
However, since the snow fell a month early, I still have three more weeks before I even make it out of October!