Trying to save a relic of the past

A little over a year ago, I bought a new MacBook Pro laptop. It has been a great machine. I use it all of the time. I’m really happy with it.

However, we need another computer…

When I get home in the evenings, there are three people who want/need to use it. That can create some problems.

Before my son left for college, I could get by because he also had a laptop. But, he’s gone and I’m stuck!

I decided to buy a completely refurbished 20″ G-5 Apple IMac from a local guy advertising on Craig’s List.

For those of you don’t have a clue what I am talking about, here is a picture.


I chose this computer for three reasons

It doesn’t take up a great deal of room.

The 20″ screen will make it a little more fun to watch DVD’s on.

The G-5 is the last computer that Apple made that will run my old Bible software.

So, I am going to kill three birds with one stone…

for a total of $450.

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