I thought I should talk about goals today…
Well, really about setbacks…
I started taking my first steps toward my physical goals this week. I have told you that I have worked out an exercise schedule that is short and varied.
Well, you already know that I missed my workout on Monday.
On Tuesday, I did a few V-ups, 5 back neck bridges, some dips and 40 squats with just my bodyweight. I was a little disappointed by how few of each exercise that I could do, but that’s fine…it will get better.
On Wednesday, I overslept.
Thursday…I did a few push-ups and four sprints.
Friday…I did a few sit-ups, 3 back neck bridges and jumped rope…three sets of 100 jumps.
Now, that is not all that much exercise…
My back was kicking my butt at work today! Yoweee!
It was all that I could do to stand up from my chair at work! I am not exaggerating! In fact, one time I couldn’t do it! The pain took my breath away. It was embarrassing!
Let’s just say that I ain’t going to be joggin’ no 4 miles tomorrow!
I’m just saying…
Oh yeah! Goals are great!