
I don’t know if you noticed, but I have changed the look of this blog. I have moved things around, changed font sizes, increased the writing area while decreasing the sidebars.

It is not as easy as it sounds because it is all written in HTML code.

I do not know HTML.

However, I am pretty good at trial and error.

On 133rd Street, just past the “no longer a mystery” condos, there is a large bronze (?) sculpture of a barefooted, open shirted young man, laying on ground with his arms behind his head, looking up at the sky nestled amongst a grove of trees.

I stopped the car the very first time that I saw it and have stopped to look at it on more than one occasion since, both while driving and walking.

A few weeks ago, I took a picture of it covered with snow.

I had forgotten that until about a week ago when I got tired of the background on my computer at work. While looking at the picture today, it occurred to me that it would make a great image for this blog.

For the past year, I have wanted to make the images on this blog more personal but that has seemed like too big of a hill to climb. However, ever since Bean took me to the woodshed

Back to the HTML lab to figure out how to do it…

I still have a few minor tweaks to make but I like the end result.

In the process of figuring out how to change the image, I realized why I like this sculpture so much. After all, I am not an “artsy” guy.

I like this sculpture so much because it is me!

As a young boy in the country, I would go out in the yard, lay in the grass under a tree, look up at the sky and talk to God.

This is the new image for this blog.

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