It wasn’t a waste of time

I won!!!

I won!!!

I won!!!

About four months ago, my oldest daughter started her own blog. I pretended that I was interested and actually went to it and read what she had written. I told you about that I was hit with an  unexpected wave of insecurity when I saw how hip, how modern her blog was.

That forced me to start making changes to update this blog to what I originally envisioned when this was just a gleam in my mind’s eye 10 years ago.

I am sure you have noticed some changes over the past few months but they have been so slow in coming.

Then, this past weekend, I “wasted” nearly 12 hours trying to figure out the code to create a drop-down menu of the various pages that I have been constructing. Well, today, I FINALLY figured out how to do it and you can see the results! It’s not perfect but it is what I have been picturing for some time.

When I shared my excitement and showed a co-worker, he responded, “I could have told you how to do that a long time ago.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“They don’t pay me to do that.”


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