Oh the thrill of anticipation…
As you probably know, I am expecting delivery of a new laptop in about a week.
I hate to admit to thinking like a woman, but what is a new computer without a few new accessories?
Back in 2009, I was a regularly visiting the local Apple store trying to iron out some software problems with my new laptop. During that time, a company called Henge invented a vertical laptop docking station.
But, alas, it only worked with the Unibody MacBook Pros.
Well, now that I am expecting delivery of said machine in a little over a week, I decided to see if they are still available.
They are!!!
In fact, my local MicroCenter has them in stock!
But, wait…
They also sell refurbished Apple products? How can that be? The local Apple store doesn’t even do that.
What is this…They have the the 17″ version of the very same configuration that I just ordered from Apple last night?
And it is only $70 more than the 15″ unit that I just bought? That is $200 cheaper than Apple’s price!
I told my wife of my latest discovery.
“Honey, I have to drive over there to see if everything is as it appears. If it is indeed the same computer and I can get AppleCare for it, I am going to cancel my order with Apple.”
Before leaving, I went down to find the e-mail from Apple that had my order number. There was a new e-mail from Apple. For some reason they were having problems with the payment.
I wrote down the order number and the contact phone number and then headed off to MicroCenter.
Yes, it was the same configuration.
Yes, they had ten 17″ units in stock.
Yes, it would run Snow Leopard.
Yes, I can get AppleCare.
This is the computer I wanted from the beginning of this oddysey!
…know what I’m sayin’?
Ya-“you have got to be kidding me”-hoo!!!
Now if only I can cancel my order with Apple…