Aahhh, the excitement of a new computer…
How quickly it begins to fade!
Before I bought my new laptop, I asked the salesman if this computer would run Snow Leopard (Max OS 10.6). After talking with the tech geeks in the back of the store, he assured me that it would.
So, imagine my surprise when I stuck in my Snow Leopard disk, clicked the button to install the operating system and received an error message that I have never encountered.
“OK…fine…there is more than one way to skin a cat.”
I changed the settings and rebooted the machine directly from the Snow Leopard disk.
Everything was going fine until a grey curtain would start slowly dropping down from the top of the screen letting me know that I had caused a kernel panic.
For the uninitiated, a kernel panic is a message that basically says, “Dude, you have really screwed up. You are freaking this machine out!”
I got my old laptop out and did a quick search on the ‘Net…
“Good…I’m not the only one.”
I then tried the method recommended by the author…
The machine replied, “Sorry…you can’t do that!”
I went back and found the last ditch suggestion. I tried it…
The machine basically said, “Seriously? Is that all you got?”
“You are kidding me! Am I going to have to return this machine?”
I was a little animated when I called MicroCenter…
“Hey, I asked you guys specifically if this machine would run Snow Leopard and I was assured that it would.”
I then described the difficulties that I had encountered.
I heard the tech guy’s keyboard clicking away while he pulled up my order, then pulled up the specs on my specific machine.
“I am on Apple’s website and it says that your machine is designed to run OS 10.6.6 through OS 10.7.2.”
“Then why can’t I install it on the machine?”
“What are you using?”
“The disk I bought at the Apple Store.”
“That’s the problem.”
“What’s the problem?”
“Your disk is the retail version of Snow Leopard.”
“That is OS 10.6.3. The machine will only run OS 10.6.6 or later.”
“Where can I get a later version of the operating system?”
“You can’t.”
“Then what am I supposed to do?”
“I’m afraid you will have to go to the Apple Store.”
New computers are SO FUN!!!