Author Archives: RLW3
I got nothin’!
Nearly everyone is familiar with the Bible verse that says “bad company corrupts good morals.” My children certainly are. However, I think I have come up with the flip side of that… “Good company can really cramp your style.” After … Continue reading
Hello, ma’am, I’m Deputy…
My wife and arrived at our apartment after nearly 9 hours of driving from Dallas, TX. We would have been home 15 minutes earlier if my wife had not gotten pulled over by a policeman for speeding! “Did you know that you were … Continue reading
Spring has sprung
We visited our oldest daughter’s church in Dallas for the first time last night. The assistant pastor opened the service by noting that today was the first day of spring. As he was speaking, it was snowing! …nearly horizontally!! …in Dallas, … Continue reading
That is a lot of water!
It’s been awhile… But, what would you rather do…write a blog post or spend time with my wife? Wait…that didn’t quite come our right… I meant to say, if you were me, what would you rather do? I chose to spend … Continue reading
Me…a songwriter???
I told you in an earlier post that Cakes was invited to sing at the upcoming graduation ceremony. It turns out that she has been invited to audition in the first week of April. A few months ago, I heard her … Continue reading
I’m liking those MPG’s
I am back to driving the Toyota to work. I’ve got to tell you, 34 MPG is really nice. With gas around $2.50, I drive over 300 miles on $25! But, I have a perplexing problem developing… Which car do … Continue reading
“I don’t recall”
My wife has never visited our oldest daughter in Dallas. I think she might be the only member of the family who hasn’t. So, for the better part of a month, she has been looking forward to this week since her school is … Continue reading
Who is she talking to?
I realized a new benefit of having children today… I have someone to help me stay up to date technologically! I awoke from a nice nap this afternoon to my youngest daughter’s voice in her bedroom. She was talking to someone … Continue reading
True Confessions
This blog is in danger of becoming a confessional…(tongue firmly planted in cheek!) I have written about my own mid-life crisis. I have revealed that I have been involved in several long distance relationships for quite some time. I have … Continue reading
I’m the only one???
My wife and I went to our Life Group last night… You talk about feeling sheepish…As soon as I walked into the living room, I started getting cotton mouth! I was the only man in the room! I was going … Continue reading