Author Archives: RLW3
Getting old might not be all that bad!
Last night, after my friend from CA called, I got out of bed and wandered into the living room to see if I could figure out what day it was. My youngest daughter was studying in the living room. To … Continue reading
You mean I have to go to work?
My body must be fighting something. I say that because I was so tired tonight that I fell asleep at 6:30. At 9:00, my phone rang. A friend from CA called to see how everything was going. He must not … Continue reading
A nice, tidy ending
When the tire shop told me that the differential was bad in our F150 Super Crew, I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea who to take it to. My co-worker, The Steel Trap, came to the rescue. … Continue reading
He’s done!
Big A woke up this morning with his knee hurting pretty badly. His visit to the hospital confirmed the pain. He tore his lower collateral ligament. On a scale of 1-3, the doctor thinks it is a 2-3 in severity. Thankfully, this … Continue reading
I REALLY didn’t want to hear that!
After just 3 1/2 hours of sleep, I left for work this morning in our 1979 F150, Wild Bill. If you have ever driven an old pickup, you know that the steering isn’t very tight. It’s more like steering a … Continue reading
A long day gets even longer
By 9:00 P.M., the caffeine that I purchased from Starbucks had completely worn off and we still had 5 more hours of driving ahead of us. I was not going to stop and get an “energy” drink. That just feels … Continue reading
Oh for two
We had been on the road home from Denver for about three hours when my son called me. He is training with the Kansas state freestyle team this week before heading to Fargo, ND to compete in the nationals. “Dad, … Continue reading
That darn shoelace!
Today was the big day… She finally got to audition for American Idol with at least 10,000 other people at Invesco Field! The day started early. We were up at 3:45 A.M., in line by 5:00, in our seats by … Continue reading
I wonder if I scared him off
(I originally wrote this on June 18th. A certain unnamed party persuaded a permanently biased judge to issue a temporary injunction against its publication. The legal wrangling has finally ended and the banned post can now be made public) I … Continue reading
As easy as pie
We left Overland Park at 6:00 A.M and arrived in Denver at 2:00 P.M. (Mountain Time) as planned. Outside of 10-15 minutes in a torrential downpour with strong gusting winds that were almost creating waves in the water on the … Continue reading