Category Archives: Cars
A little good news
Trying to find a reliable, honest mechanic is quite a challenge. Since my usual source for all things mechanical, my co-worker the Steel Trap, was on vacation, I was left to fend for myself. I called my old Honda mechanic … Continue reading
Not what I wanted to hear
My grand plans to save the day for my second daughter took a blow today. The likeable new mechanic decided to start our relationship off with a vicious shot to the body… “The three front fuel injectors are bad. Remanufactured injectors cost $170 … Continue reading
Let’s give the new guy a try
I tried putting injector cleaner in the last three tanks of gas but it still runs terrible. So, I dropped the Maxima off at a new Nissan mechanic to see what he can find. Stay tuned…
Back in the saddle
It has been a long time since I worked on a car. I was pressed into service because the rear passenger window no longer worked. I had to get it fixed before it rained. I took it to a shop … Continue reading
I’m so smart!
We got into Kansas City at 1:30 A.M.! At least that was an hour earlier than the night, er, morning before! We drove one car into Nashville: our SuperCrew pickup. Normal people would just drive the same car home! But, as … Continue reading
Feeding the government pig
This post might belong on my culture blog… I’ve got a few things that I have to get off my chest… Since we arrived on the East Coast, we have been paying through the nose to drive on the dang … Continue reading
I’ll take the second offer
The other driver’s insurance company called me to inform me that they have declared the Honda a total loss. Excuse me while I wipe a few tears from my eye… I asked what they valued the car at “Given that … Continue reading
Not quite the same
I have now driven a Hyundai for the first time. My wife picked up our white Hyundai Accent from Enterprise yesterday morning and I drove it to work this morning. It seems to be a reasonably well built econobox of a … Continue reading
A trip down memory lane
In August, 2004, my oldest daughter drove our new Ford Windstar for her first day of classes at the local community college. My son was with her because we had just learned that. although he was just 14, he qualified … Continue reading
That’s a long 10K
I arrived in KC last year at the end of March. Once I got settled in, it became VERY obvious that our F150 Super Crew had become the victim of deferred maintenance. Once we fixed the major problems, smaller problems became … Continue reading