Category Archives: Money
Our own “green shoots”
There has been much talk in the media about “green shoots” springing up in the economy… We had our “green shoots” sprout up in our own personal economy today… Our son went out and looked for a job! I said … Continue reading
I’m so vain…I probably think this post is about me
I am a little embarrassed about this one… but, just a little. I am going to turn 50 in a few weeks. That’s not bad. I look and feel pretty good “for my age.” I still have a full head of … Continue reading
And you thought you were finished with word problems
Every so often, our family runs into logistical challenges that strongly resemble the word problems we had in high school algebra… We have three vehicles here at the Castle: a 1998 Honda Accord, a 2001 Ford F-150 Super Crew and … Continue reading
Tickets, get your tickets
When I got home from work, my son informed me that the California Angels were playing their last game of the season against the Royals here in Kansas City. Ten minutes later, we were on the road. We pulled into … Continue reading
I REALLY didn’t want to hear that!
After just 3 1/2 hours of sleep, I left for work this morning in our 1979 F150, Wild Bill. If you have ever driven an old pickup, you know that the steering isn’t very tight. It’s more like steering a … Continue reading
Yes, I’m sure…
I received another call while I was on the phone with Chief Renegade… It was a young lady calling from the high school. She was calling to see what size “Senior page” I wanted? Senior page??? “Oh, do you mean … Continue reading
When does Jack Bauer show up?
In our home in California, I built a room for my library. In our previous apartment, we used the third bedroom as the library. Now, two of our three nice bookcases and my writing table are in our bedroom. Needless to say, … Continue reading
Hey Mikey, she likes it!
You’ve heard of the saying ‘killing two birds with one stone’…I did that! I surprised my wife AND she likes the surprise! I used the money from our recent furniture sales and our Costco rebate to buy a nice, used … Continue reading
That should help!!!
There are times when you just need to keep trying… The letter of appeal is getting closer to being a finished product. I still need to write the opening paragraph. I think that it has been good for my son … Continue reading
Writer’s cramp
How do you ask someone to give you money? That is what I have to do. Fortunately, I haven’t had much practice at it. I say fortunately because I have not needed to ask for money very often. Drexel is … Continue reading