Category Archives: Physical
I should have known this
Reminder to self: DO NOT DRINK CHAI TEA AFTER 9:00 PM! It makes it VERY difficult to get to sleep. We went to pray tonight because our youngest daughter’s worship team lead the 8:00-10:00 service at the main prayer room … Continue reading
The cool of the day???
Life is so funny. Last night my body was itching to run. My legs felt alive for the first time in many years. So, I went to sleep anticipating this morning’s run. Forget the trend… It was one of those … Continue reading
He tricked me
My son took his new super duper VERY expensive skateboard when we went to the park. He tried to get me on it but I politely refused. Instead, I watched him send the board rolling in front of him, break into … Continue reading
Well, what do you know!
If you read my last post on the subject of running, you will appreciate my delight in reporting that I beat my previous best time by 48 seconds!
Please, tell me again. Why am I doing this?
I keep waiting for the moment when running becomes enjoyable. I have heard that there are people who experience such wondrous feelings but, at least to this point, I am not one of them. Far from it… My inner conversation … Continue reading
A negotiated victory
As I began my run this morning, my legs felt great! However, all during the first mile, my lungs were threatening a violent protest! I glanced down at my watch to see what kind of pace I was setting and … Continue reading
I’m paying for it
My morning run did not go too well. Well, two of the three components of running were not good! My will was so-so. My lungs were fine. However, my body it T-I-R-E-D! MY legs felt like columns of cement. (Please note that I … Continue reading
Today’s First Victory
The birds woke me up at 4:00 this morning. I felt like I had been drugged. That hadn’t change much by 5:30 when I drug myself out of bed and put on my shoes to go run. I gradually woke … Continue reading
Back in the far recesses of my memory…
This morning, I did something that I haven’t done for over two decades… I RAN 5 MILES!
Day Game After a Night Game
I woke up this morning and my body is definitely not looking forward to another day of lifting boxes, etc. You know, I don’t remember getting this tired when we moved into our house 19 years ago! Now I understand … Continue reading