Just win-win, baby!

We should be moving into our new house this next week.

My wife informed me that she doesn’t think that our existing couches are “not contemporary” enough for our new home.

That presents several problems…

First, shopping for furniture is a huge task. Where do you go? Which brand is good? How well is it made? Etc., etc. The amount of research that I would have to do before I could shell out a thousand dollars with some degree of confidence that I wasn’t just throwing it away is overwhelming!

The second problem is that my wife enjoys spending money! She says that it would make her feel good to give a furniture store their 400% markup just so she could say it is new!

I am at the opposite end of the spectrum. I don’t inherently like spending money. I really like getting a great deal though. I like to find people who have decided that cannot live without the latest, greatest, newest and finest (“what everybody is getting these days!”). I then offer to buy their “old, outdated” really nice, barely used stuff that they paid WAY too much for not too long ago.

So, I retreated to familiar territory…ground that I know well…an area where I have experienced a reasonable degree of success in the past…Craig’s List!

After all, I found the two couches that we have used for the past three years there and they are still nice. They just look “too formal” for her taste.

It took me about an hour to find what I was looking for…

Barely used, high end couches in a fabric that she will love…Here is the ad.

My wife hates buying used stuff but she agreed to go with me to look at them.

As we drove up, she liked the $500-$700,000 neighborhood! She liked the house that they were in.

Then she looked at the couches themselves and I guess she liked them. I say that because she went down to the basement to look at an oriental rug…without me!

When we got home, I went online to see where this particular brand is sold. It turns out that the high end furniture store with the “in home design consultants” across the street from our apartment sells them.

I talked to one of the sales associates and learned that this couch and love-seat START at $3,000! We are paying $550!

She won’t admit it for awhile, but I think I did good with this one!

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There, I said it!

Today was the day…

I finally confronted my son. I was as ready as I was ever going to be. There was nothing left but to do it.

So, I did.

I talked to him about the four levels of obedience (obedience from the heart, obedience, disobedience and rebellion) and where he is on the scale.

I talked to him about our family’s values (not just mine) and where he has abandoned them.

I talked to him about the opportunities for growth that are available to him.

He seemed like he was listening. Time will tell…

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God answers prayer

I still haven’t confronted my son…

He worked at The Bonefish Grill last night. He is working again tonight.

This major confrontation has been delayed for since Monday and I am REALLY glad!

Why do I say that?

On Monday night, I avoided biting his head off. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday dreading (no exaggeration!) the very real damage that might occur in our relationship. On Thursday, it occurred to me that he wasn’t doing these things to purposely agitate me and my heart started breaking for how discouraged he is.

Today, everything became clear. I know exactly what I am going to say and how I am going to say it to him. I actually believe that God intended for this to be a good thing for both him and me!

Stay tuned…

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Monday ain’t lookin’ good right now

We are supposed to close on the house next Monday.

Today we took the “final” walk through. We were supposed to look for any minor flaws that needed touching up.

Let me summarize the results quickly…

I’ll be amazed if we close on Monday!

The walls need to be repainted, drywall needed to be sanded, doors need to be hung, etc., etc.

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Big A pushes my buttons again!

I was all set to have the big confrontation with my son last night…

He didn’t show up. He went to talk to a man about a job and ended up going roller skating with the church youth group.

It was probably just as well. It still would have been one of those “if you want to live in my house, this is how it is going to be. If you don’t like it, find somewhere else to live” talks!

Those type of conversations can only go one of two ways…

So, I wasn’t too upset that he was gone all night.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like I was doing much better. I was actually calming down to the point where I could imagine talking to him in a civil manner.

Then, he slept in until 10:30!!!

That boy, I’m telling you…

I called Bean in Dallas and Kimba in Nashville and asked them to pray for me! I need help!

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Just smart enough to keep my mouth shut

I avoided a disaster yesterday…

My son came back to Kansas to find a summer job and save up money for the next year of college.

Today, he slept in until 12:00!

I have a very difficult time sitting passively and watching someone let opportunity slip by, especially when it is one of my children!

“What should I do? I mean, He’s 19 years old. He’s an adult!…

However, I can’t sit idly by and let him slip into being a bum!…

Why did he sleep so late? I’ll bet he was up late last night on that stupid Facebook!!!”

The more I thought, the angrier I became.

He wasn’t home when I got home from work. He was at The Prayer Room reading his Bible and studying Physics. I want him to read his Bible. I like that he wants to study his Physics. However, I don’t like either one of them when YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FINDING A JOB!!!

So I vented to my wife. Although she was much calmer, she pretty much agreed with me.

When he came home a few hours later, he showed us a picture he had drawn of a girl’s eye…

He wanted to know what I thought!

I was thinking, “What do I think about you spending the day drawing some girl’s eye when you should have been looking for a job? What the heck are you thinking????”

But, I said nothing.

Thankfully, I had enough sense to realize that if I said anything while in that state of mind, we would not have much a relationship after I finished. I decided that it would be best to just go to bed early.

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It is looking so nice!

Those three hours that we spent figuring out how to lay the stone on the fireplace sure were worth it!

I stopped by the house to take a peek at the progress and that fireplace looks so nice!

The new window is finally in the basement and it looks nice!

The contractore put a bookshelf all around the finished side of the basement where the concrete block joins the wood and that looks really nice!

The back deck has been completely rebuilt and it looks…you guessed it, really nice!

It’s a little strange to think that we are going to be moving in a week…

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Happy Father’s Day

I’m not sure that I like Father’s Day…

It seems to me that it replaces a very real moral obligation (“honor your father and your mother”) with a cheap cultural imitation…a way to soothe a guilty conscience.

I realize for many it is the only time that children give any honor to their father so I suppose that it is better than nothing. It just seems so artificial!

To give you an example, my second daughter, Kimba called to wish me a “Happy Father’s Day!” That was followed by several seconds of dead air time on the phone…

She had done her cultural duty! Now what?

We ended up having a good conversation, as we usually do, but…hopefully you get my point.

Anyway, off the soapbox…

My wife’s parent’s stopped by on their way back to California and since Grammie doesn’t cook anymore, Bunch decided to make her Dad a nice pasta dinner! That food was good!


Maybe I should take back what I wrote earlier…

Oh, what about my children?

They didn’t cook anything for me!

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Off to a good start!

Yesterday, my son, Big A, learned that he passed his “personality test” at The Bonefish Grill. (Does that means that they have determined that he actually has one!?)

He went to orientation at 12:30. About an hour later, he came back and said that he had to be at work tonight at 5:30!

Yabba, dabba do!

Some might say “Yeah, but he is busing tables.”

My response to them would be two-fold: “You have to start somewhere and it sure beats sitting around on your parents couch all summer!”

Just get the car moving and then he can figure out how to steer it!

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The case of the vanishing stone!

The contractor called my wife…

We need to pick out the grout to match the stone. Decisions, decisions, decisions!

So, my wife, my son and I headed off to the tile store where they had a display with 18 different colored grouts on display.

My son suggested a blue tinted grout because the stone has a bluish/purplish color in it.

I didn’t like that. Instead, I chose a light pink grout because the stone has a reddish/pink coloring.

My wife didn’t like that.

“Well, which one do you think we should choose?”

She chose a tan one. Can you guess why?

Neither my son nor I were very excited about that choice.

My wife got a little frustrated, “I don’t know what to choose! I don’t have good color memory.”

I didn’t really realize that there was a separate category in the human mind for remembering color…but, I’m a guy. What do I know?

I then got a good idea…

“Let’s go to Home Depot.”

After all, that’s what I said when we found the stone in the first place! We couldn’t make up our mind about which tile to choose at Lowe’s. Maybe it will work a second time…

“We’ll be able to actually look at samples of the stone and decide.”

That is a great idea, if I do say so myself! I am so smart sometimes…

I confidently walked to the back of the store to the stone display and discovered…

The stone is no longer there!

We inquired and no one seems to know anything about it.

Talk about getting somewhere just in the nick of time!

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