Stone art is tough enough for me

My wife, Big A and I met at the “soon to be ours” house after work. We had to show the contractor how we would like the stone laid out on the fireplace.

After 10 minutes, I could see the contractor’s eyes starting to glaze over. With each tick of the clock, it was becoming increasingly apparent to me that this was not going to be a quick little decision. I encouraged him to go ahead and go home and that we would just lay the stones out on the floor in the pattern that we wanted.

Two hours later, we finished! What a job! Each stone looks like sand art!

We would get two that fit together perfectly…

Then we would see that the left side of the left stone matched the right side of that stone over there against the wall…

By the time we finished, my eyes were glazing over!

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Cakes to the Rescue!

As a father, I am concerned for my children’s well being and success. I realize that doesn’t make me special or different. Most parents have the same concerns.

However, I am very aware that I can only do so much. All of my children are at the age and stage of life where they have to begin making their own way and developing their own habits.

I am now fill an advisory role. And I am limited even in that. Saying too much can be just as bad as saying too little.

Big A came back to Kansas for Spring Break in order to secure a job for the summer. He had a successful interview with the manager of The Bonefish Grill where Cakes works as a hostess.

About one month ago, I suggested that he touch base with the manager via e-mail telling him when he would arrive, etc.

A few weeks later, I asked him, “Did you e-mail the manager?”


“Great! Have you heard anything back from him?”

His voice grew downcast, “No.”

I realized that he was discouraged in this area of life. Last summer, he overestimated his wrestling schedule and actually lost his job at the pizza shop. Other than a few odd jobs, he was unable to find work for the entire summer.

When I got off the phone, Cakes asked me how he was doing. I filled her in and then I mentioned the discouragement in his voice when we talked about the job.

This morning, since Mom was in class and I was at work, Cakes picked him up from the airport.

I received the following text:

“Dad, Big A and I are job hunting right now…He’s in a restaurant called the Salty Iguana that is opening soon and he’s been in there for a little while, so that is good…”

She picked him up from the airport and took him directly out for job interviews! I did not tell her to do that!

It seems that she took my small comment about him being discouraged in this area and got inspired to help him!

That blesses my heart! I want to help him but I have to limit myself. He is a young man now. But there is nothing preventing his sisters from helping him!

And were he to ask, she can honestly say, “No, Dad did not put me up to it.”

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Humansville, MO

I am not kidding!

There is actually a place on the way back from Branson called Humansville, MO.

You can’t miss it. It’s on Highway 13, directly east of Nevada and west of Pittsburgh, north of Fair Play and south of Tightwad!

Just take a moment and think about that…say it to yourself.

Humansville, Missouri…

Do you suppose that they named it that because all of the surrounding towns are filled with animals?

Who knows…I was just kidding in last year’s post, but maybe there really is a place called Cakes’ Feet, MO!

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It depends on how you look at it

I have told you in a previous post that I believe that God made me a negative person. I can’t help it.

I seem to have this grid inside of me that is difficult to turn off. It acts like a gyroscope directing me forward. I look at what is and measure it against what is possible.

For the last day and a half, I have been attending my wife’s family reunion. The oldest generation consists of 9 cousins (8 of whom are still alive) and their extended families. It is generally very enjoyable.

So why do I feel bad?

My wife’s family is a mix of everything from arch conservatives to ultra liberals and everything in between. It becomes clear very quickly that politics and, to a lesser degree, religion, are subjects that are off limits. If they are brought up, the family’s “happy” veneer quickly comes off. In fact, one of the 8 cousins doesn’t come to these reunions for just that reason.

There is nothing unusual about that. I would think that describes most American families. However, when I compare the level of conversation to what might be, it makes me sad.

I was talking to Cakes, my youngest daughter, about these things…

“I can’t wait to see our family reunion in 30 years, when you all have your children.”

When I woke up this morning, I realized that my perspective was wrong! What am I talking about?

We don’t have to wait 30 years before we can enjoy it! My wife and I enjoy rich fellowship with our children right now!

I can still anticipate the special joy of having three generations enjoying rich fellowship in 30+ years but I am going to be grateful for what we already have right now!

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Now that’s creative!

We drove down to Branson today for the family reunion.

About 15 minutes after we left our apartment, my wife remembered that we needed ice for one of the coolers.

While she went into the mini-market, I sat in the truck.

There wasn’t much to look at so I actually looked at the 4′ X 8′ sign on the sign of the building advertising the “amazing” variety of pizza offered inside. I resisted the temptation to run inside and buy some!

Eventually, I went from looking to actually reading the sign…

“Pepperoni…BBQ Chicken…Mac & Cheese…”

Wait a minute…

Why did they put Macaroni and Cheese on a sign selling pizza?

You have got to be kidding! Someone actually thought that it would be a good idea to put macaroni and cheese on top of pizza???

Probably a Paula Dean wannabe…

My digestive tract slowed to a crawl just thinking about it!

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My wife has always wanted me to have a hobby. The only thing in my life that comes close is buying used books.

I am not talking about 1st Editions, signed by the author, brought over on the Mayflower, from John Winthrop’s personal library. I am talking about books that I want to read. And everyone knows that you cannot read a book without a highlighter in your hand.

In Los Angeles, about every other week, I would slip off to a used book store a few miles from church and go through their massive $1-$2 table, looking for treasure. My wife and I would actually go out on dates at the “Every Book $1” store in Burbank.

When you are only paying $1-$2 per book, you can afford to take some chances. So, inevitably, I buy much more than I can read.

Moving to Kansas City has really put a damper on this area of my life. I don’t know if you are aware of this, but brick and mortar used bookstores are rapidly going the way of the dinosaur. It’s probably related to climate change…

A few months ago, I went online to find some used book stores in my area. My search wasn’t really all that productive. But, I did stumble upon a site that listed of all of the major used book sales being sponsored by local libraries throughout the nation. Alas, in a few months, they were going to be selling 150,000 used books just a few miles up the street from our apartment. 

Today, that day finally arrived!

I headed straight there after work and arrived at 5:53.

As I approached, I noticed that all of the tables were covered in plastic and people were standing in line as if they are waiting to pay for their books.

“Are you closed?” I asked


I held our my hands in frustration and helplessness “How is someone supposed to make it here if they have to go to work?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. We are opening in 5 minutes. Are you a ‘Friends’ member?”


“Tonight is for ‘Friends’ only.”

I figured out that it was “Friends of the Library.” It cost $20 to join the lines of people like horses at the starting gate.

The clock struck 6:00…

You could almost hear the announcer, “And they’re off!”

People armed with shopping carts, boxes, wheeled suitcases and bags spread out like cockroaches when the light gets turned on. It dawned on me that I hadn’t really prepared very well. All that I brought with me were my eyes to see and my hands and arms to carry away my spoil.

I didn’t realize that this was going to be similar to the California gold rush! You had people taking books out of boxes and putting them on the table as soon as there was any empty space and another room full of people counting and boxing books for those stopping in to empty out their carts.

As I was browsing cover, a curmudgeonly woman hastily and possessively crowded in front of me at an uncomfortably close distance. I think that she was afraid that I get to her prized book before her.

Another man was rapidly lifting up one book after another just far enough to expose the bar code. He had a bar code reader hooked to some type of cell phone with headphones. I could not figure out what he was doing, so…

“Excuse me. What are you doing?”

“This reads the bar code and tells me about the book.”

I didn’t ask what it told him. He wasn’t listening long enough for even a short review so I am guessing that it was telling him what he could sell it for on the Internet. Man was he in a hurry!

I am telling you the truth, the smell of fear was in the air. When I found myself starting to get caught up into, I took a step back and reminded myself that it is not that big of a deal. Goodness! It’s just a book sale!

But, there was definitely something more than the smell of fear in the air. A few of the people need to take a break from the books and get introduced to a bar of soap and hot running water.

One man was RIPE!!! Whew! His “scent” was so strong that I almost went to a different section. Then, I thought, “I wonder if he uses that as his weapon to clear out the competition??? I don’t care how bad he smells. I ain’t moving!”

I ended up buying 20 books for $20! No they werent all for me. Four of them were for my kids!

One of the books was particularly satisfying because I had nearly bought this book on the Internet four different times but I just couldn’t bring myself to press the “Proceed to Checkout” button. The cheapest that I had seen it was $12-15. Today, I paid $1!

Now, I just have to figure out how to buy the time to read all of them.

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Help from an unlikely source

I love it when I am proven right.

Well, not always…

When I give my children advice and they don’t take it, I REALLY do not like being proven right.

But I have to confess that it feels pretty good when a disinterested third party confirms something that I have been saying for quite awhile, especially when they confirm it to my wife!

You see, my wife will argue with me. I know that sounds unbelievable but it is true! I might be the only husband that can say that.

I don’t know why she does. Sometimes, I think that she thinks that it is her calling…her responsibility…that if she doesn’t, I will grow into this uncontrollable egomaniac. So, for the sake of Western civilization, she frequently practices…”counterpoint.”

After all, it’s just ME saying it…and who am I? How do I KNOW???

Puh-leaze! EVERY wife KNOWS that she is smarter than her man! To quote Maria Portokalos in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, “Let me tell you something, Toula, the man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.”

Over the years, every so often, in a moment of frustration (I know, I don’t really understand how that can happen either…but, what do you know, it has!), my wife would assert that I was a “control freak”.

Don’t tell her that I said this, but for the first 15 years of our marriage, I would say that she was right! I would try to compensate for my own “weaknesses” and “imperfections” (hold on…those words are much too kind…let’s try “flaws”…no, that is still too nice…how about “gaping insecurities” and “glaring inadequacies”…yep, that would be more accurate) through my wife and children.

Then, somehow, I started getting better. I finally came to terms with my own shortcomings, failures and disappointments.

I began to realize that my youth was vanishing and that I probably wasn’t the one that would figure out answers to all of the world’s problems. I lowered my expectations a bit.

What if I attempt something a little more manageable…like solving my own problems? What do you know…I actually started growing more confident.

One day, I have actually had the temerity (look it up!) to suggest that Bunch might have her own control issues.


That simply can’t be. I mean, consider the source!

My wife came home from school today with an incredulous look on her face…

“Guess what happened today?”


“My physiology teacher identified me as ‘anal retentive’. (I hate that term. Sigmund Fraud, er…I mean Freud coined it to describe someone who REALLY likes things a certain way.) I’ve never been called that before!”

Far be it from me to actually argue with her…”So then, I might have been right?”

“About what?”

“That you might have some control issues…from time to time.”

She smiled. She had not made that connection yet.

I was wise enough to avoid belaboring the point. My impartial, objective knight in shining armor had already ridden onto the stage to tell her that she can now safely consider the possibility that I might know a little sump’n, sump’n about what I am talking about. That is good enough for me!

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Exactly when did we decide to switch?

I am telling you right now, this is not going to develop into a trend!

We spent the entire afternoon centering our life around our youngest daughter!

I have to tell you that the change in orbit made me feel a little wobbly. That is not the way we do things in my family.

Cakes was invited to lunch with a group of young people after church.

“Sure, go ahead…Have fun.”

About 45 minutes later, I received a text…

“He is here and I don’t have a way home.”

The “he” that she is referring to is a 30 something year old ex-con who attends the church. I have already spoken with the pastor about him and been given the green light to communicate with the utmost clarity that he does not have nor will he ever have ANY chance of dating my daughter! A snowball has a better chance of surviving in August!

So far, we have been able to avoid a major confrontation by simply adjusting where we sit on Sunday mornings. I am hoping that he will gradually get the very clear, non-verbal message.

Anyway, at the last minute, the group leader invited “him”to join the group for lunch.

So, my wife and I and a friend responded to her desperate text by going to eat at the same pizza place. It turned out that everything went quite smoothly.

While we were waiting for our pizza, two girls invited Cakes to go “tubing” on the lake with them. Being too nice for my own good, I said, “Go ahead…we’ll come pick you up.”

Famous last words…

It turns out that the family lives 40 minutes away from our apartment! It is 10 minutes past where I work!

Like I said at the beginning, this will not become a trend!

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I knew it all along!

Today was the day…

A store in Lee’s Summit had given us two quotes: a wood stove capable of heating the entire house that would completely replace the existing firebox for $5,ooo or a unit that would be inserted into the existing fireplace that could heat 800-1,200 square feet for $3,500.

When the woman gave us the quote, she encouraged us to talk to the owner. She was sure that he would give us a better deal. I called today to find out just how good that deal might be…

The news was a little disappointing…$250 off. Then came the kicker…

The young man who does the installation had just started his two week training program to be a fireman! Therefore, the earliest that they would be able to install it would be June 30th!

Well, that won’t work! If we want the contractor to put the stone on our fireplace, the wood stove needs to be installed in the next week or so.

Back to the Internet…

I found three other alternative heating merchants in the area. I wasn’t all that impressed with one of the websites so I scratched that one off the list, printed out the map, grabbed the Missus and headed out the door to the remaining two places.

The first one turned out to be a residential area. Scratch that one off the list!

On the way toward the last place, lo and behold, what should magically appear but the one that I had decided not to visit.

“Look at that…there is the store that I didn’t want to go to! How about that? I didn’t know that it was on the way.”

I pulled my map out…


Evidently, I mistakenly pasted the address to the place that I didn’t want to go the store that I wanted to visit was nowhere to be foun.

My wife said that she wanted to go in. She is obviously not as weary of the “research” as I am.

I reluctantly agreed, grumbling and mumbling to myself as we pulled into the parking lot, “I didn’t plan to go here…I don’t want to go in.”

What a fortunate turn of events! The woman inside pretty much answered all of our questions!

Yes, they do make corn/pellet insert units that actually slide into your existing fireplace. However, we can’t use them because they stick out further than our hearth. But…

They do also have a wood stove insert that will work with work with our hearth…

and it looks much nicer than the one we were considering from the other store…

and it is about $500 cheaper…

and it should be installed after the stone in put in…

and we can install it ourself!

Well, that just about takes care of everything…

You know, I thought it might work out that way…

That is why I decided to go there in the first place!

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My encounter with the normalcy bias

Have you ever heard of the normalcy bias? I had a bout with it today.

All of this “learning” about alternative heating…

Which is the right choice?



Why am I looking into this anyway???

Oh, I remember…

Because the people presently running our government are determined to pass the cap and trade bill. During the campaign, our current President said that electricity rates “would necessarily double or triple.” If that happens, I still have to keep my family warm in the winter.

Am I crazy to believe that? Most of my co-workers think so. Maybe they are right…

Maybe I should just wait and see…

like most everyone else…

The normalcy bias

But, who predicted that the government would close 749 Chrysler dealerships (that just happened to have contributed to the opposing party during the last election) before taking over two of the three major car manufacturers? Who thought the government would nationalize the health care system while 65-70% of the people were openly opposed to such legislation?

As tempting as it is to do nothing, I am going to continue pressing forward.

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