
Last night, just before I fell asleep, our realtor called…

The bank chose to go with an all cash offer.

The listing agent might said that she is keeping our offer in reserve in case they pull out.

I wonder if we really did finish second or if she is just being polite to lessen the bad news…

There is no way to know the amount of the winning bid until after escrow closes.

Call me naive, but I don’t think this is over. There are just too many circumstances that have the mark of Providence on them. We’ll see…

In the meantime, we will continue looking.

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Good news…but…

I began the day with great anticipation…

The bank is going to make their decision regarding the house.

At about 9:00, I received an e-mail from our realtor…

She still had not received the approval letter from the vendor!?!?!?

I called him…no answer…I left a message

When I hung up, I thought, “I am not going to let something small like this prevent me from accessing such a great opportunity.” But, what can I do?

I hopped in the car and headed to the bank branch in Overland Park where he works. I figured that if he wasn’t there, someone else might be able to help me or at least they would know how to get in touch with him in an emergency…and in my mind, this qualifies!

About six minutes into the drive, my realtor called again.

“I just got the letter and am sending your offer over to the listing agent right now.”

Back to waiting…

At 1:30, she called back…

“Well, they received seven offers on the property…

and they rejected three…

Yours is one of the four that made it through.

(that is good news!) They will need a best and final from you by 4:00.”

I wonder if she watches American Idol? I don’t think she could have presented the “good news” in a more suspense filled manner if she tried.

So, my success immediately presented a problem…

How do you make a best and final offer? The listing price is more than $30K below its appraised value…

“What will the other people offer?…

Only God knows that…and He’s not telling!

How high should I go? What is the best strategy?

The longer I thought about it, the more difficult it became. So, I just did what I did on the first round…

I went with the number that rose up on the inside of me the moment I heard the words “best and final”.

If we lose, we lose…

We’ll see what happens…

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She looked great!

Several weeks ago, my youngest daughter, Cakes, came up to me with her face beaming, “Dad, I bought a new dress for the prom.”

“What prom?”

“The Senior Prom.”

“When is that?”

“April 10th.”

At the time, that seemed like the far distant future, so I focused on more immediate concerns…

“How much did it cost?”

“Only $180!”


She then proceeded to validate her “thriftiness” by comparing it to all of her friends…

“How many times will you wear it?”

“Probably once.”


Well, today she put that dress on…

She looked great! While I have not been completely napping, she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman right under my very nose!

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This feels very familiar!

This post is long, but what a story!

Yesterday, I was in a predicament. I had to make a decision about which realtor we are going to use.

There are two properties that we liked from our two days of looking. Both realtors had informed us about the too expensive, big, brick 4 BR house. However, only the Costco wife had given us the yellow 3 BR that I think is the place we should buyMy realtor had only sent us 4 BR houses to look at.

I really wanted to be loyal to her but I can’t use her to buy a property that she didn’t tell us about! Talk about tearing up my integrity and throwing it into the trash!

Then I remembered that I had told her that we were looking for 4 BR homes. So, yesterday afternoon I asked if she could send me a list of 3 BR homes. I checked my e-mail when I got home…nothing new.

I woke up from my headache induced sleep when my wife got home from work. Her co-worker had told her that the real estate agents really make very little money on a foreclosure. So, rather than have our realtor work very hard only to wind up making a small commission, we decided that we would go with the Costco wife since she knew that was what we wanted from the very beginning.

Since my wife knows our realtor on a personal basis, she volunteered to give her the mildly bad news. Unbeknownst to me at the time, she drove to our realtor’s office at 11:00 this morning! Guess what?…

Our realtor wasn’t there!!! So, my wife couldn’t tell her!

That little piece of providence turned out to be a VERY good thing!

At 12:00, I decided to take a prayer walk for my half hour lunch. At 12:20, I felt like I should go back and check my personal e-mail.

What do you think I found?

Several e-mails with over 100 3 BR houses!

That is great but there was no way that I had time to organize them on a spreadsheet and plot them on maps by the end of lunch. In fact, by the time I looked at the last e-mail, lunch was over. I thought “I guess that is what I will be doing tonight.”

At 12:34, my phone rang. It was my realtor…

“Did you get my e-mails?”

“Yes, I’m just opened them right now.”

She started saying something and I realized that the house that we were interested in was on the list that was currently on my screen!

I interrupted her, “Hey, what do you think of the property on 123rd Street? I looked at the pictures and it looks like a nice property.”

OK, I am guilty of feigning a little ignorance…

I mean I didn’t tell her EVERYTHING that I knew…

She looked it up on her computer, “Yeah, that’s a foreclosure…It’s only been on the market for 3 days (that was the day we started looking!) so that’s good…Oh, wow, that one probably won’t make it through the weekend at that price.”

“Well, if we are not going to make a cash offer, what would we have to do?”

“You would have to have an approval letter from a lender.”

“Do you have any lenders that you would recommend?”

“Yes, I have two. The first is really quick but she is unavailable because she had surgery today. The second guy is also really good, but he takes at least two days to respond.”

“Can you send me their information?”

“Sure. I’ll call Gary and tell him to expect your call.”

We hung up the phone at 12:53.

I then got permission from my manager to leave work early if by some strange twist of fate, I was able to get an appointment with the lender. I then called my wife to warn her of the possible changes to our afternoon plans.

The e-mail containing the lender’s information showed up at 1:12. I immediately called and left a voice mail.

At 1:30, I sent an e-mail communicating the details and the urgency of my situation.

At 1:31, I called to leave a voice mail informing him about the e-mail. Guess what happened?

He answered the phone!

“Gary? This is Lord.”

“Yes, your realtor said that you would be calling.”

“I just sent you an e-mail.”

“I know. I read it and it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“What do you need from me?”

He then spelled out all of the information that he needed.

After we hung up, I went online, and after multiple tries, finally guessed correctly on my user name and password. I then printed copies of my W-2 ad the last four weeks paychecks, scanned them in on our copier and at 1:54, e-mailed them to him.

I followed up with a call…he got them!

At 2:10, he called me back and told me that I was approved for more than the entire asking price of the house! The guy who never responds in less than two days approved me in 39 minutes!

…over the phone!!

I called our realtor…

“Gary called me and said that you are approved. I can’t believe it! What is going on? He has never done that before! I’m serious, this is like a miracle!”

I asked her we could see the house today…

“I have an appointment at 5:00 Any time before that is good for me.”

“How about 3:00?”

I called my wife and told her that we were going to meet the realtor at the property. This would be Bunch’s first glimpse at the inside of the the place. We just did a drive by on Wednesday night because there was a car in the driveway and we thought that it was occupied.

When our realtor arrive, she informed us that the listing agent had told her that someone had already made a full price cash offer. However, the bank was not going to consider any offers until the house had been listed for 72 hours! Since it was listed on Wednesday, we are still in the game!

When we walked in and saw the vaulted ceiling with the kitchen/dining room overlooking the living room, my wife’s eyes lit up. When we saw the master bedroom with the vaulted ceiling, a large walk in closet, and a master bath with diamond jacuzzi tub, she was sold. When I saw that the unfinished daylight basement was already plumbed for a full third bath, there was no question as to what we were going to do!

By 4:30, we had driven to the realtor’s office and written up our offer!

From nothing to submitting an offer in four hours! Wait a minute…

I’ve been in this play before…

That sounds EXACTLY like how we got into the apartments that we have been living in for the past two years!

Since someone has already made a full price cash offer and we are going to finance our purchase, we went in a little higher.

We should find out on Monday…stay tuned!

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It hurts me to write about it

I looked at houses again tonight, but not for long.

Why? Picture driving the little Paseo (and I am emphasizing little!) with the manual transmission (and I am emphasizing “manual”) while trying to look at the 8.5 X 11 printed Google maps and reading a spreadsheet with a list of the addresses on it.

Now keep in mind that I can’t read either the map or the spreadsheet without my reading glasses.

To put my reading glasses on, I have to take my sunglasses off. I was wearing my sunglasses because my eyes are very sensitive to light.

Now, add in a miserable headache and you will begin to understand why I didn’t last much over an hour.

However, in that hour, I did manage to look at enough houses to decide that I don’t want to live in Lee’s Summit, MO. There is nothing wrong with it but it just didn’t feel right.

I closed the evening off by going back to the two houses that we liked in Grandview, MO.

The big brick one is really beautiful. But I think that it is more house than we need and it is definitely more money than I want to spend.

I like the first one…3 BR/2 BA, great view, smaller lot (not too much grass to mow!), GREAT price!

I am not calling the Costco wife tonight. I’m going to bed!

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Good house hunting

Things got a little complicated today…

My wife has a co-worker at Costco who wife is a realtor. He has been pushing…wait a minute, that’s a little too strong…he has been encouraging my wife to call his wife.

Well, last night I called her. I told her that we have already started working with another realtor but nothing much has happened so far. Guess what I found in my e-mail this morning?

She sent me 27 listings of foreclosures to go check out! She wants to talk tomorrow night to see which realtor I am going to work with!

That really didn’t leave me much time since I get off work at 5:00 and our mid-week Bible study starts at 7:00.

I spent my 1/2 hour lunch (and a little bit of work time, but don’t tell anybody) printing out Google maps and plotting the house locations and arranged to meet my wife in one of the areas. We started hunting at 5:30.

We like the first place a lot, the second was a possibility, the third was “what are they thinking”, the fourth no, the fifth was “mmmmm, no”, the sixth “No”. It seemed like things were going downhill and I was really hungry at this point. We started heading toward some food when I told her to make a right to check one more house out. I really did it just so we wouldn’t have to come back to that neighborhood!

Man, am I glad I did. A a 4 BR/3 bath brick house on a nice, big treed lot with a large pond out in back!

By now, it was 6:10. We had 50 minutes to drive 15 minutes to the Bible study and eat some food.

You know we did it…and it wasn’t fast food. We each wolfed down a nice salad at The 54th Street Grille.

How is that for productivity…7 houses and a dinner date in an hour and 15 minutes!

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Welcome to my nightmare

I am quite alarmed at the current state of our country. Many of our current “representatives” seem to be intent on waging war on the founding ideals of our country. They do not like living in a meritocracy and wish to kick the doors of opportunity closed on those who are still trying to “get theirs”. They are perfectly content to govern against the will of the constituency that they are supposed to represent.

But, what can I do about it? I talk to my co-workers but they really don’t seem all that interested.

Several months ago, one of my customers at work gave me his personal e-mail address and asked me to start sending him stuff to read.

I delayed because finding concise, clear information is challenging. Sure, there is lots being written and reported, but what is truly important? What will help someone who knows nothing because they have been getting their “news” from the mainstream media to truly become informed? Where can I point him without wasting a bunch of his time?

I e-mailed the first link to an article today. I e-mailed him a few hours later to see if he had found and read the article.

I wasn’t ready for his response:

Yes it did….  WOW….amazing stuff….I couldn’t get through it all…I’m taking a break….. Holy Sh**….

I have been educating myself for the past seven months and had forgotten how devastating the truth can be. Then it came back to me.

I would learn something about our government that was just too crazy to be true. Do I face reality even though it felt like I was living in a very bad dream or do I stick my head in the sand and pretend that everything will be fine?

I was often shaken as if I had just received a powerful blow to the sternum.

I am going to help him wake up. We will see where it leads…

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Mother Nature gets a little violent

I never ceased to be amazed by how little I know…

and how much other people know.

A very violent thunderstorm blew through the area. While that is exciting, it isn’t really news. After all, this is the Midwest.

But, have you ever heard of a “micro-burst”?

My youngest daughter, Cakes, introduced me to the term when I got home from work on Friday. It turns out that she learned about it at school but it wasn’t in science class.

She was in the middle of a student assembly when a school administrator interrupted the meeting and started reading through a fairly long list of student’s names. Their car windows had been shattered by a wet micro-burst! Trees were snapped in half…in a matter of seconds!

A micro-burst is a vertical column of air that acts like a sledgehammer. You can learn about them here.

I asked two co-workers if they had ever heard of it. They had. They described the nearly instantaneous destruction of houses and a fast food restaurant.

Thank God Cakes parked on the other side of the school!

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Why did I call her?

I am too far behind…I’m not even going to try to “catch up” so…

We are now officially looking for a house…

I called the realtor who helped us back in September of 2008. I did so a little reluctantly…

Why reluctantly?

I am a hopeful sort of fellow. I continue to naively believe that I will stumble upon some great deal or just happen to meet someone who introduces me to someone who…I think you get the picture.

I AM NOT going to go deeply in debt to buy a house! I am believing for a GREAT deal!

Our realtor went out of her way to inform me that “everyone is looking for a great deal”, “I have an investor that is buying 10 houses in the area” so “the market is very competitive”, don’t get your hopes up, it could possibly happen but let’s be realistic…in our very first conversation!

I was not a happy camper. I think she perceived that when my last five responses consisted of one or two tersely spoken words.

I wasn’t born yesterday! I know all of that!

But, I believe that God has brought me to this city, that He (notice the capitalized MASCULINE pronoun) is putting it into my heart to buy a house, that He has a house prepared for us and that He wants to bless me! So, I am going to look for THAT house with THAT perspective in mind! If I have to settle in the end, I have to settle. But it will be at the end, not at the beginning. If that is the case, why do I need her?

I think you can tell that I am still fired up. In fact, I am going to continue looking on my own independent of her. Well see what happens?

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Are you…?

Two years and one week ago, I left Los Angeles and moved to Kansas City. We only knew one family here and even they aren’t really all that close to us. So, I really expected to have to start over in every sense of the word since

But the past keeps walking up and reintroducing itself to me!

Our typical Sunday routine is to go to church and then spend a few hours at The Prayer Room.

About one month ago, while I was walking and praying, a man came up to me and and asked, “Are you the Lord of the Castle?” (Except, he used my real name.)


It turns out that I led him to Christ when he was a college student at UCLA 23 years ago!

That was the second time that had happened. The first time was one year ago when another man approached me in exactly the same way!

Well, today a third person from my past stepped back into my life.

He drove from Nebraska to Kansas City. His wife has an appointment with a doctor in Missouri tomorrow. He decided to stop by The Prayer Room for a little bit.

It just so happened that I was outside talking on the phone with my son when he walked up and asked, “Are you the Lord of the Castle?” (Except, he used my real name.)

He visited our church in Los Angeles to lead a four  week long outreach during the 1984 Olympics. I knew him for about 4 weeks 26 years ago!

I guess I look pretty much the same after all of these years. That hair goo must really be working miracles!

We ended up going out to eat with him and his family and catching up on 26 years of life during dinner.

I don’t think that this is quite what people mean when they say that good things happen when you pray!

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