I threw him a curve

Since tonight was his last night in Kansas, I called my son early in the day to go out to dinner together. I wanted to have a fatherly talk with him.

The evening got off to a pretty rough start. When I got home from work, I discovered that he had only “budgeted” a little over an hour for me. It seems that he had plans for a coffee date with two little chickadees.

Needless to say, that did not make me very happy. Let’s just say that I felt more than a little “undervalued”. By the time we would have arrived at the restaurant and sat down, we would have to leave. So I cancelled…

Then, the two girls cancelled on him!

If he was going to go out, I was his only option. I guess Somebody upstairs wanted him to spend time with me rather than them.

We went to the Bonefish Grill which is about 1/2 mile from our apartment.

I think that if he knew what I was going to talk to him about, he might have cancelled on the girls instead of having them cancel on him. Usually, I go out with him to warn him, admonish him, probe his heart or give him some practical advice. I don’t quite understand why a young man would want that! LOL!

Tonight, I just encouraged him to raise his expectations for his life; that he is bigger than he thinks.

I think he liked it.

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I get to play the “bad guy” part

Sometimes being a husband and a father is a thankless job…

I suppose the same can be said about being a wife or a child…I can’t really see how, but I’ll just ASSUME that is is THEORETICALLY possible…but it’s a stretch.

My wife and my youngest daughter recently completed the weight loss portion of a radical diet. Both of them lost over 20 pounds in 40 days!

However, now they are in the second portion of the diet. While what they can eat is still restricted, they are supposed to increase their calories to establish a new “set point”. That is what their bodies will think is the “new normal”.

Which do you think is easier: losing weight banzai style or keeping the weight off through self control???


So, they are tempted to cheat. I don’t blame them. I’d be tempted too…

However, I, being the loving, caring man that I am, want to see them succeed. I want them to keep it off. Let’s win this thing! (I assure you that I have no ulterior motive other than their well being!)

If I just sit there with my mouth shut and just let them just cave, I am not going to be happy internally and they will not be happy in the very near future.

But, if I say anything, I instantly become the bad guy.

We went out to eat tonight and the temptation started.

“Honey, you can’t cheat. It’s not worth it.”

Oh, you should have seen the daggers in her eyes and hear the hisses that escaped her lips!

You know, I look pretty good in a black hat!

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I got nothin’!

Nearly everyone is familiar with the Bible verse that says “bad company corrupts good morals.”

My children certainly are.

However, I think I have come up with the flip side of that…

“Good company can really cramp your style.”

After our drive from Dallas, I went to bed at 11:30 and slept until 4:30. I know that adds up to 5 hours of sleep, but…

I woke up at 4:30 because my mother and my son arrived at our door.

Don’t get me wrong…I was glad to see them but…

They eliminated any chance I had of trying to get some sympathy from my wife about how tired I was yesterday! They left me exactly zero room to complain!

Look at what I am up against…

We left Dallas at 2:00 on Sunday afternoon. They took off from New Jersey at 9:00 on Sunday morning.

We drove 9 hours. They drove 19.

We got in at 11:00 Sunday night. They got in at 4:30 Monday morning.

I slept for 5 hours. They didn’t sleep at all!

I was groaning inside because I had to go to work. They arrived all happy and glad to see us.

Razza frazza, grumble, grumble…

I got nothin’!

So, let me tell you…

I was tired yesterday…really tired!

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Hello, ma’am, I’m Deputy…

My wife and arrived at our apartment after nearly 9 hours of driving from Dallas, TX. We would have been home 15 minutes earlier if my wife had not gotten pulled over by a policeman for speeding!

“Did you know that you were driving 58 in a 45 MPH zone?”


I don’t think that is true…

We had pulled off of the highway onto the country road about 5 minutes earlier. I had noticed how diligently she was obeying the speed limit. I was thinking “I am so glad she is driving right now.”

58 in a 45??? Maybe if I was driving…

But, what can you do? It is his word against ours.

I prayed and asked God to intervene…

He came back and gave her license back and said that she was free to go!

Thank you, Lord!

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Spring has sprung

We visited our oldest daughter’s church in Dallas for the first time last night.

The assistant pastor opened the service by noting that today was the first day of spring.

As he was speaking, it was snowing!

…nearly horizontally!!

…in Dallas, TX!!!

The last day of winter was 73º. Go figure.

Oh, church was great. All of my daughter’s girl friends nearly squealed with delight when they met my wife. It was fun to watch.

Me…ummm, they definitely did not squeal with delight…

Polite is probably the best word to describe it.

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That is a lot of water!

It’s been awhile…

But, what would you rather do…write a blog post or spend time with my wife?

Wait…that didn’t quite come our right… 

I meant to say, if you were me, what would you rather do? 

I chose to spend time with my wife in Texas near Lake Texoma. 

It turns out that our “villa” was a glorified hotel room. But, at $71 per night, it was still a good deal. 

As I frequently report, I learned something that I have a very hard time getting my mind around. 

Lake Texoma is the 12th largest lake in the United States. It was created by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1943 where the Red River and the Washita River converge. Here is an image that will give you some idea of its size. 


Notice the scale at the bottom left…Needless to say, it is a HUGE lake! 

In 2007, the lake flooded for the third time. The bottom floor of the hotel, which is AT LEAST 30 feet above the water line, was flooded! 

Can you imagine how much water that is??? We are not talking about a creek or even a river. We are talking about a lake that is miles and miles long! 

The surface area normally covers 89,000 acres. During the flood, it covered 143,000 acres! Over 50% larger! 


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Me…a songwriter???

I told you in an earlier post that Cakes was invited to sing at the upcoming graduation ceremony.

It turns out that she has been invited to audition in the first week of April.

A few months ago, I heard her playing a melody on her piano and penned a few lines of lyrics. When she sang it for a few of her classmates, they were all weeping…

Although she has been working on it off and on ever since, two nights ago, she playfully asked me to finish writing the song.

I took my best shot at it last night. I like it. She likes it.

Now, she needs to start singing it so I can figure out where it needs to be rewritten…over and over again! The things I do for my children…I’m telling you…

I will post it when “we” finish it.

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I’m liking those MPG’s

I am back to driving the Toyota to work.

I’ve got to tell you, 34 MPG is really nice. With gas around $2.50, I drive over 300 miles on $25!

But, I have a perplexing problem developing…

Which car do I drive to Texas on Thursday?

The Super Crew is our nicest, most comfortable vehicle but it gets about 20 MPG…and that is on a good day!

My wife’s Alero get around 28 MPG but I don’t really like riding in it. The Nissan gets 25+ MPG but my wife doesn’t like riding in it. Wild Bill gets 13 and…

well, we are DEFINITELY not taking that vehicle!

Oh, if only the T-Bird were done!…30+ MPG, 300 horsepower, beautiful interior, a suspension that will handle the curvy roads and a great sound system!

To quote Martin Luther King, “How long? Not long!”

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“I don’t recall”

My wife has never visited our oldest daughter in Dallas. I think she might be the only member of the family who hasn’t.

So, for the better part of a month, she has been looking forward to this week since her school is out on Spring Break. 

I too was looking forward to this week but for a different reason… 

I wanted to surprise her by going somewhere for a 3-day weekend as a belated anniversary celebration. 

Well, the surprise was lost several weeks ago. And it wasn’t until this weekend that we realized that we could make the trip to Texas. 

This morning, my manager very graciously granted my last minute request to get this Friday off. I then had to find a place to stay. 

Last week, I had contacted a resort about 90 minutes north of Dallas to see where we might stay IF we actually were able to make the trip. They had ONE villa with a mini kitchen available! The lady offered me a 40% discount to the normal rate: $103.20 per night. 

That is a great deal but it is still $100 per night… 

I left a message on her phone this afternoon. She called me back just as I was parking my car at our apartment. After I reminded her of last week’s call, she asked me if I remembered what she quoted. 

I knew it was north of $100 per night but since I couldn’t recall the exact figure, I said, “Not exactly. It is written down on a pad on my desk at work.” 

“Was it $87 or $71?” 

“I honestly don’t know but that $71 sounds really good.” 

“All right…do you want to book it now?” 


How nice is that? A small suite for the price of an average hotel room!

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Who is she talking to?

I realized a new benefit of having children today…

I have someone to help me stay up to date technologically!

I awoke from a nice nap this afternoon to my youngest daughter’s voice in her bedroom. She was talking to someone on the phone. After about half an hour, I decided to find out who she was talking to for so long.

I opened the door to see my son’s face on a computer screen! They were “Skyping” (that’s Internet phone software) each other.

Talk about cool! I mean REALLY cool.

I just sat down in front of the camera and joined in. It was great to both see and hear him.

I knew those rug rats would pay off someday!

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