It’s not on “E” yet!

I still don’t know what I am going to buy for my wife! I am running out of time!

But, then again, I am a man. Men are supposed to wait until the last minute.

If I bought her gift early, I could be found guilty of “shopping”! Not good! I don’t like shopping. Shopping is not good for men. It is S-O-O-O feminine!

However, with each tick of the clock, the nature of the event changes…a little more estrogen is drained out and a little more testosterone is injected in. Experience tells me that if I wait long enough, it won’t even be shopping at all!

Two days ago, finding something for my wife transformed from an obligation into a challenge.

Yesterday, I began to feel the first pangs of the fear of failure. The thought that ‘I HAVE to come through’ began to fill my consciousness.

Today, I am starting to feel pressure. Breathing is becoming slightly more difficult. But…

I can’t do anything tonight. Immediately after work, I will be with Grammy, Grandpa and my two youngun’s.

Tomorrow, finding a Christmas gift for my wife will require a MAN!

Shoot, if I wait until tomorrow afternoon, I will end up being a HERO!

Yeah, not today…

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They’re not Canadian!

I have a built in desire to explore.

When we lived in Los Angeles, I was always amazed when, after living there for 30 years, I would drive on a road for the very first time. I was like a little kid.

“I have lived here for (fill in the blank) years and I have never been on this road before.”

Now that I live in Kansas. Everywhere I go is new. However, I do find myself saying “I have never seen that before” fairly frequently.

That happened again yesterday.

After church, I decided to take the family to a certain barbecue restaurant that I had been wanting to visit for the past six months. When we arrived, we learned that they are closed on Sunday!

We ended up eating at a nice Italian restaurant instead.

When we got into the truck to go home, the thought of driving the usual streets seemed so disagreeable that I decided to head south a few miles and then drive the 7 miles east to out apartment through the country.

What a trip!

As we drove, we saw 11 white tail deer in one location, 9 more white tail deer in another and 8 or 9 longhorn cattle.

But we then stumbled upon a huge, beautiful park. In that park was a lake with Canadian geese on the water. First of all, I am starting to think that someone made a mistake when they named them. I think that they met Kansasian geese instead of Canadian geese. They are here all year round!

Last weekend, we stopped next to a field with well over 100 birds in it. That was the most that I had ever seen…

Until yesterday!

When we first parked the truck at the lake, there were over 200 geese on the lake!

My son and I got out of the car and walked out to the waters edge. It was then that we realized that these were CHRISTIAN geese!

Yes, you read right!

No, I am not crazy!

Double click on the picture and look closely…

Those geese were walking on water!!!!!!!

Of course, the water WAS frozen!

After watching for 15 minutes, there were 400-500 Kansasian geese walking on the water! And that is after 100-200 took off! And I am being conservative! They would land in groups of 30-100 at a time.

I am 50 years old and I have never seen that before. It was pretty, darn cool!

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Stepping into a parallel universe

I had my latest “humility sandwich” handed to me today.

After work, I hustled over to the police supply store. As I waited for them to look at my flashlight, I perused the store. It was like entering a parallel universe!

About 50 different handguns at the counter…

fully automatic weapons behind it…

displays of various knives, batons…

a complete shoe store with row after row of different styles of black or tan boots…

gloves for the hands with different “slash ratings”, etc, etc.

It made me recognize the “world” that policeman inhabit is a violent one. I guess that should be obvious with all of the reality cop shows on TV. However, seeing it from this perspective changed it for me.

Then I thought that this was just someone’s job! When they put on all of their gear, they are the cop that is fighting the bad guys to preserve law and order in our society. When they take it off, they are just like me…guys with wives and kids! Wow!

I reached into my pocket just to make sure that my “man” card was still there…

“Still there! Whew!…There must be different grades of cards…They must have a higher grade card than I am authorized to carry!”

After 15 minutes, the guy returned with my flashlight…

“The bulb is bad.”


“I put a new bulb in and it works just fine.”

I could have fixed that! Duh!!!

I thanked him, apologized for taking his time, bought two bulbs and got out of there before he asked me to turn in my “regular Joe” card!

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See, it’s not just me!

Since I can’t figure out what is wrong with my two police style flashlights, I decided to expose my ignorance and ask for help.

I took them to work and asked a friend to look at it.

He couldn’t figure it out. The bulb was good…

He put it in his own new batteries…still nothing.

While that is not good news, it did help to assuage my bruised ego.

“It’s not just me! He can’t figure it out either. I am still worthy to carry my ‘man’ card!”

He mentioned that he thought there might be a repair shop that would repair it for free.

I did a quick Internet search and sure enough…a police supply store.

Since they close at 4:30, I will have to wait until Friday to take it over.

Stay tuned!

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I guess I should have thought of that

Last weekend, I discovered that I had, not one, but three flashlights that didn’t work.

I have two that are police type flashlights powered by regular “D” batteries and a third that is powered by a rechargeable battery used for cordless tools.

The first two are mysteries to me. I can’t figure out why they don’t work. I put new batteries in and got nothing. The bulb doesn’t look like it is burnt out.

The rechargeable one bugs me. This came with a set of cordless tools that I bought a few years ago. At that time, I bought an extra battery…and they aren’t cheap!

Now, neither battery will hold a charge!

After seeing the $40 price tag for a new rechargeable battery, I decided to check out the cost of a new police type flashlight…$20.

Then I realized, that I would still have to buy the cordless battery because none of my tools will work without it!

When I got home, I decided to do a very unmanly thing…

I read the instruction sheet that came with it!

As I started to unfold the paper, doubts begin to fill my brain…

“Why are you doing this?”


“I knew I shouldn’t have done this”

It was as if the writer of the document had it out for me. In so many words, he (or she) said, “Hey, dummy, this is why you had to buy a new battery.”

“Store in an area between 50º and 100º.”

My righteous consumer anger at having to buy a replacement for a faulty product began to dissipate. I began to recognize the familiar dry, chalky taste of humble pie as the realization that my own ignorance caused my problem began to register in my cerebral cortex.

“Huh, I guess all of those nights in our storage closet in freezing temperatures wasn’t good for them…”

Thankfully, my wife and children weren’t there to actually witness the entire scene!

When they came home, I was able to “inform” them about the cause of the batteries failure. My masculine dignity was restored…

And then I quickly changed the subject!

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My son, the movie star

In my last post, I talked about looking for changes in my son…

Well, there is one change that I didn’t have to look too hard to find…

His nose is huge!

He SAYS that he looks like the Avatar!avatar

He really does!

One of his new Drexel teammates got upset at him during practice and punched him!

I told him that it was fine that he didn’t retaliate…this time!

However, when he gets back, he needs to look the kid in the eye and inform him that if he tries that again, he will be the one that gets hurt!

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He’s back!

I picked my son up from the airport yesterday morning. It is like he never left!

He is back to mauling everyone. Either he has gotten stronger or Cakes has lost a little. She can’t quite handle him like she did a few months ago. However, he has already earned a few slugs from her!

He and Mom are back to watching movies at night.

As a parent, it is great to see him. I find myself watching him…looking to see if he has changed…how he has changed.

He seems to have a very good grasp on who he is. He is still our son yet he is becoming his own man.

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I wonder if I am a little developmentally disabled.

I say that because I am so easily impressed. I am so easily surprised…

by things that I really shouldn’t be surprised about or all that impressed with.

I wish I were more sophisticated but it just seems like SO much work.

My latest pleasant surprise came when I replaced the windshield wiper stick in my Toyota Paseo.

But that really shouldn’t surprise me.

It’s true that I had to take the steering wheel off, disassemble the steering column, take two switches apart and reassemble them into one working unit. That may sound difficult but when I compare it to building two cars from scratch, it really is a relatively simple thing. What’s the big deal?

Yet, when I put the re-assembled unit back into the car, hooked up the wires and pushed the windshield washer button, I was actually surprised and delighted when fluid shot out onto the windshield. I was like a two year old playing peek-a-boo!

Call me a simpleton if you want…

I fixed my car!

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What do you mean you didn’t make no meat?

My wife sent me a text message informing me that she got called in to work and that she had made a meatless pasta dish for dinner.

I texted back a “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” response: “What do you mean you didn’t make no meat?”

“Ha, Ha.”

When I got home, I headed straight for the kitchen. Cakes joined me. I was curious to see what she had made since she doesn’t usually describe her food that way.

I took the lid off of the pot…

whole wheat noodle tubes…

“Wow, I wonder what she did to them?”

Not much. I mean they were good but after 5 or 6 fork fulls, Cakes and I were pretty much in agreement…that was enough.

I said, “This isn’t one of her better meals.”

Cakes agreed.

I thought to myself, “She must have been in a hurry or something?”

When my wife came home, what do you think the FIRST thing that she asked with an excitedly expectant tone in her voice?

“Did you like my pasta?”

I tried my best to do my husbandly duty and lie to her but all I could muster was a weak “Yeeaaah.…”

“Why do you say it like that?”

I hugged her and said, “Meatless pasta? How about meatless and vegetableless?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It was just noodles.”

Her jaw dropped and she headed toward the kitchen with me tagging along behind her. When she got to the stove, she lifted the lid off of another pan that neither I nor daughter had noticed! Inside was a fabulous Italian tomato based sauce full of vegetables!

The fact that I didn’t see it doesn’t really surprise me all that much. But, the fact that Cakes missed it is amazing!

Oh, well…leftovers will be great tomorrow!

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From man to wimp in 10 minutes

We went from VERY cold to WOW cold today!

When I woke up at 5:00 A.M., the temperature was 6º!

When I went out to warm up my car for the morning drive to work at 6:00, it was 2º!

As I was walking out the door, I decided that I should do the manly husband thing and fill my wife’s car and the Super Crew with De-Icer windshield washer fluid. So, I grabbed the keys to both cars, the bottle of fluid and headed out into the frozen tundra.

I didn’t think of wearing gloves…I mean, what’s the difference between 19º and 2º? Besides, I am a man. I don’t need gloves.

I had to pry the Paseo’s door open…literally! Gosh, would it even start?…It did.

Even though I had turned the defroster on full blast, I knew that it wouldn’t make a dent in the inch of snow and ice on the windshield. So, I got to work scraping the ice of the glass.

Man was that loud! I have heard that snow muffles sound.

Well, ice on a windshield magnifies it! Crunch, crunch! I cringed with each stroke.

“I’m going to wake up the entire complex.”

By the time I finished scraping the front windshield and headed over to the other two cars, my hands were beginning to freeze. But, it’s not too bad…

My wife’s car door opened easily. I popped the “Hood Release” button. Great! This is going pretty smoothly…How quickly things can change!

I couldn’t find the hood latch!

I don’t know how long it actually took but it seemed like a very long time. The longer my hands were exposed to the cold, the faster the clock seemed to turn.

“Finally…found it!”

I raised the hood of my car and had a realization…I’ve never looked under the hood of my wife’s car…So I really don’t know where everything is.

I saw a reservoir but it looked too big to be for the windshield washer fluid. I had decided to wear my contacts this morning which means that I can see great…

FROM A DISTANCE! I couldn’t read the text on the lid!!!

That meant that I had to go back upstairs TO GET MY READING GLASSES to figure out where the windshield washer reservoir was!

My fingers felt like they were about four minutes from exploding! And, the clock was ticking…I needed to get to work.

Before I took off, I unlocked the Super Crew and popped its hood. That way I could leave both sets of keys on the counter when I run back upstairs to get my reading glasses.

Before I went back down to the parking lot, I grabbed my gloves!!! (Did you know that they don’t work nearly as well after your hands are already frozen?)

Aha! I was right! That wasn’t the windshield reservoir! It’s over here.

I took off the lid and grabbed the De-Icer fluid…

It has a plastic locking lid! The kind with the plastic tab that needs to be snapped off and then peeled off!

Shoot! It would be really nice to have a knife…or some scissors…

The thought of using my already aching fingers to open that did not exactly warm my heart. Off came the gloves…

“I don’t have to do this!”

I decided to just plunge in. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as I imagined!…


Because it had been sitting in an outdoor 2º freezer for 10 minutes, the tab broke off before I could perform the peel operation.

By now, the pain in my hands was seriously challenging my masculity!

An argument broke out in my head…

The icy cold whispered “You don’t HAVE to do this!”…”But, but, but, I’m the man…”

I had to decide quickly, before I morphed into a block of ice…

“That lid is coming off!”

I just started cranking on it.

“It broke free! Great! I’ll be done in a minute or two…”

As I took the lid off, my next obstacle appeared…

a  foil seal across the lid of the container!

Let me get my key…

It’s warming up the Toyota…

and I just took the other two sets of keys upstairs! I didn’t have ANYTHING sharp at my disposal! Nothing!

The argument in my head resumed…

“I DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!”…”What? You’re going to make your wife and daughter do it?”

I took my swollen, frozen digit and started ramming them against the foil…once…twice…three times…

On the fourth time, I broke through. My face was starting to hurt.

I poured the windshield washer fluid into my wife’s car. The reservoir was nearly full before I started pouring! *&#$^%*#$)!

“Fine…I’ll do the truck…”

It too was full!  *&#$^%*#$)!!!!

I closed everything up, slammed the hoods shut, put the lid back on the container, picked up my gloves and ran for the Toyota.

Shoot! The rear window is still covered in ice. I guess the defogger wasn’t designed to melt quarter inch thick ice.

Back to waking everybody up…

At this point, I didn’t really care. In fact, I was almost muttering, “I don’t care if I do wake everyone else up. My rent is paid. It’s not my fault that I have to go to work earlier than them.”

I worked as fast as I could, hoping that that my exertion of energy could do something to combat the numbing cold.

When I got into the car to drive to work, I was moaning in pain! I mean out loud! My hands hurt for the next 10-15 minutes.

In the gender wars, women like to point out how good men have it, how lucky they are…


All I can say is don’t let anyone kid you, there is a BIG difference between 19º and 2º!

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