Hopefully, a part of history

We said goodbye to my family early this morning and headed off to Nashville, TN by way of Washington, D.C.

You might say “Isn’t that a little out of the way?”

Not if you want to take part in what might be an historical protest. We went to be part of the 9-12 Washington D.C. Tea Party.

I personally think that our nation is in deep trouble. Politicians and bureaucrats are plundering the treasury and consolidating their power every day. I figured that if I am not willing to suffer the inconvenience of a few hour drive to express my disapproval, then I really have no place to complain if my freedoms are taken from me.

Fortunately, we had to get off the freeway early to get some gas. While at the gas station, we learned of the local way to the nation’s capitol. I use the word fortunately because we later learned that the freeway’s access points were closed because the crowd was so large.

We heard on the radio that “thousands have shown up”…

hmmm, thousands???…really…

Indiana University has computer software that can count people from an aerial photograph. Their estimate…1.7 million.

Needless to say, we weren’t alone. I’m glad we were part of it.

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Legalized theft!

If you want to know what kind of economic model is being taught to our children, buy college textbooks. It is legalized theft!

The universities and the NY textbook publishers have been steadily working for years to eliminate parent’s options and create a monopoly.

You think I am exaggerating?

Enough parents complained that Congress addressed the problem through legistlation that goes into effect next July.

What is the big deal? I’m glad you asked

Q:  How much has basic college Calculus changed since Isaac Newton invented it?

A:  Not much. You could probably use Newton’s original notes and do just fine.

So, you would think that you could just buy a used copy of last year’s textbook for $30-50 and head off to class…

Hold on there…

not so fast..

That would mean that the NY textbook publishers wouldn’t make any money! They’ve got to keep up with the Goldman Sachs’s of the world! We can’t have that! No, that will just not do…

The “smart” people in academia solved this conundrum as follows:

If the textbook publishers change just a handful of pages in the book each year, they can call it a new edition. The professors will then require the latest edition for their class…

Since it is a new edition, there are no used books available. Students (read parents) will have to buy new books! Both parties profit handsomely! Problem solved!

How much does that latest edition cost? $239!

What an ingenious way to extract even more money from the parent’s pockets!

I have personally had to, and I mean had to, buy “special” editions of the “new” edition that were made for a specific community college! I have heard of cases where there have been “special” editions made for a specific professor’s class!

But even that won’t stop resourceful parents like myself. I’ve got to at least try!

When we visited Drexel on Tuesday, I went to the bookstore and wrote down all of the ISBN numbers of the textbooks that my son would need so I could try to find them cheaper online.

Fat chance!

One ISBN came up!

So, we had to make another trip back (over the bridge!) into Philadelphia to the Drexel campus bookstore. Steam was pouring off of my ears!

When I asked the manager why none of the ISBN’s showed up ANYWHERE online, I was informed that the ISBN’s that I wrote down “were for the package.”

The latest devious academic assault against parent’s economic well being is to shrink wrap a special online access code that is specific to each class on a computer disk with the textbook. Evidently, I wrote down the “package” ISBN.

So, I quietly asked/demanded the information that I requested on Tuesday…the ISBN for the BOOK!!!

I found three used books and ended up saving $164…but it still cost $500!

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Feeding the government pig

This post might belong on my culture blog…

I’ve got a few things that I have to get off my chest…

Since we arrived on the East Coast, we have been paying through the nose to drive on the dang highway. Toll roads are nearly everywhere!

$8 charge to drive for two hours on the highway to get to my parents house. Then, another $4 to cross the bridge.

Two days later, $12 to go to Hershey Park and another $12 to get back.

Let me make sure you got that…

I had to pay $24 to drive to and from a theme park that is two hours away!

Not to go inside…

not to eat anything…

not to buy gasoline…

just to get there! I was not happy about that!

My wife failed to appreciate my freedom loving indignation. So, she tried to help me see the brighter side of the situation…

“I think its good that they collect the money because they’re using it to fix the roads.”

She probably thought that because of all the work zones. (I’ll get to those in a minute!)

The words no sooner got out of her mouth and wham…we hit a huge pothole…

The kind of pothole that knocks your suspension out of whack! And it wasn’t just one.

“Yeah, I am so glad they are using all of that money to fix their roads. Can you imagine how bad they would be without it?”  (Yes, that would be called biting sarcasm!)

Perhaps I have gotten a little sensitive since I moved to the Midwest…but in my memory banks are video clips of fabulously famous “cultured” metropolitan people from either coast yukking it up on TV about “rednecks” living on washboard, dirt roads…

I’m sorry…but I need someone to educate me…I don’t see the difference?

As we were making our escape from New York City down FDR Drive, we had a car on either side. The guy behind us was driving so close that he evidently wanted to see what we were listening to. I was trapped! There was nowhere to go but forward.

Without warning, a pothole suddenly swallowed the whole right front side of my truck! I started checking to make sure that my family was still inside!

Now, if I was driving on a dirt road, I could pretty much figure out where the rough spots are and try to avoid them because there is usually no one else on the road! Now that I think about it, I could even slow down! And, while I’m on the subject, usually the view on the dirt road is better!

Then there are the “work” zones. I think the whole state of New Jersey is one big “work” zone.

I put “work” in quotations because no one was ever working. There wasn’t even any equipment on the side of the road! I could swear that they were “working” on the same roads 4 years ago when we visited. Hardly anything has changed!

Ah, but all of those orange cones are a beautiful sight to a political bureaucrat. Why? Because those orange cones authorize them to also put out orange signs. Those orange signs inform the traveling public that traffic fines are doubled in “work” zones!

Such an ingenious, innocent, completely understandable way to FEED THE GOVERNMENT PIG…er…I’m sorry. I got a little wound up there. I meant…increase revenue!

Do you think I have a bad attitude?

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I don’t heart NY

We went to NY city today.

I wanted to see where my oldest daughter lived and worked when she did her internships with Donna Karan and Vera Wang during the summer of her senior year.

I have often heard people say that going to New York just changes you. I have to agree with them.

Before we even parked the car, we were all acting like we had lived there for 20 years…raising our voices, getting frustrated, talking with our hands, etc., etc.

Tolls every 12 feet (not really that close but…), small unclear road signs, getting lost but somehow still getting off the wrong freeway at the right spot only to make a wrong turn and finding ourselves in exactly the same spot 1/2 hour later had more than a little to do with it!

We were going to park near the place where Bean stayed. However, she was no help in finding the place. She didn’t recognize anything! Eventually, I realized that while she lived here, she figured out how to get where she needed to go and that was about it…which is pretty good for a 20 year old who has never really been to the city or lived on her own before!

We bought day passes for the subways and then got on the wrong train! On the next leg, we missed the train because Kimba, our second daughter, had trouble getting through the turnstile because the sensor had trouble reading her brand new ticket! Then, when it finally read it, the turnstile trapped her leg!

I love NY…


We finally got to the Donna Karan building…I thought this would be a big deal but when every building in the whole city is over ten stories, it’s no longer special. And besides, you only get about 5 minutes of direct sunlight per day, you can only see a sliver of the sky and there is NO grass!!!

We then headed to Times Square…you know, where the New Year’s ball drops, where all of the action is…

My daughter announced our arrival, “This is Times Square”

“Where?…This?…This is it?…You’ve got to be kidding me! I’ll take the the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica any day.”

I turned to my son: “DBTH”

“What does that mean?”

“Don’t believe the hype.”

We stopped by Bergdorf & Goodman, “the most exclusive retailer in the nation” according to my NeimanMarcus employed daughter. As soon as we walked in, I saw men’s bathing suits.

“Hey, I need a new bathing suit”…

$555! I am not kidding!

Central Park is beautiful. The Apple store is really creative. The fascist art in the lobby of 30 Rock was, to quote Doc Holliday in Tombstone, “very instructive”.

People say that New York inspires them. It had a similar effect on me…

I am REALLY glad I don’t live there!

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Hurdle #2 crossed

We drove into Philadelphia today to visit Drexel.

First, we took some paperwork to the admissions office to complete my son’s file..

“Oh, we don’t get those.”

“Who does?”

“The athletic department.”

Over to the athletic department…

“Oh, these go to admissions…”

I decided to make sure that everyone and his brother had a full set because it is a long way from Kansas!

We then met the wrestling coach and a few members of the wrestling team, including Big A’s mentor. My first impression is that they are good guys.

And I like the coach.

So, our son has a good group of Christian friends to push him spiritually. He also has a good group of wrestling friends to push him athletically. All that remains is for him to find some really smart friends who will push him academically!

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Treasure in the boondocks

I lived in Southern California for 31 years. The LA area is theme park Mecca with at least 4 major amusement parks: Magic Mountain, Knott’s Berry Farm, Disneyland and Universal Studios.

I am not a theme park kinda guy…

About a week ago, my mother called and asked if we would like to go to Hershey Park. My youngest sister and her husband had a bunch of free tickets…

and their two young daughters really enjoy the park…

and I am here to spend time with my family so…

I believe that I can say that it is the best amusement park that I have ever been to. It has great rides like Magic Mountain (without the gang banger/teen sleaze atmosphere) and the family atmosphere of Knott’s with better rides.

I wouldn’t mind going back…

Of course, it didn’t cost me anything either!

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The first hurdle is cleared

Sending a child off to attend college is a fearful thing for many, if not most, Christian parents. Today’s universities are very effective indoctrination centers for secular culture.

We know friends who have sent their children off to school as Bible believing Christians only to see them graduate as “educated, enlightened” non-believers with a lifestyle that matches their newly found disbelief just a few short years later.

So, one of my top priorities on this trip was to find our son a good church. Happily, we succeeded…Freedom Church in Philadelphia.

Big A likes it. He already met a fellow Drexel student!

All that is left is to pray that he puts down strong roots!

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Places that should be on the map

We drove straight through from Kansas City to New Jersey.

My family was late getting out of the house. I can’t understand why…My wife should have planned to put two new front tires on the truck before she packed

Since they were late picking me up from work, I walked to Blue Springs High School and waited for them there. Once they arrived, we met Coach Mike Hagerty and thanked him for all of his help and then hit the road.

Big A took the first leg. At about 8:30 P.M., just before we crossed the Missouri/Illinois border on I-64, we drove through an area that really stunk! But, there are lots of places that stink. This one had a particular aroma.

“Cakes, is that your feet?”


She was horrified!

She thought that I was just being mean until my wife and son piped up that they assumed that she had taken off her shoes! So, we renamed the area, Cakes Feet, Missouri…and the pronunciation of the state is mis-er-y!

The next morning, we drove through another area with a very familiar aroma and renamed it…Big A’s Breath, Maryland.

Later that afternoon, we drove through the third incorrectly named place…Mom’s Belly Button, Delaware.

You might be thinking, what about me…

I don’t stink…


Ask my family!

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The time has come

In a few hours, my wife and I will take the next big step toward the next season in our life.

This trip will be a family reunion, a 50 year birthday celebration (mine), scouting out the new land, a fond farewell, a moving party (Kimba), with a little tourism (NY City on 9/9/09) and a political protest (Washington, D.C. on 9/12) thrown in.

We will depart from where I work in Blue Springs, MO and begin the drive to New Jersey/Philadelphia. There will be four people in the truck on the way there. Only three of us will come back.

We will leave our son there. He is officially going off to college.

My oldest daughter, Bean, will fly in from Dallas tomorrow. Kimba will fly in from Nashville on Sunday. My family (parents, brother and sisters, aunt and cousins) will see all the members of my household all together for the first time about 10 years. Needless to say, my children have changed substantially during that time!

I think everyone involved is very excited!

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I’m your huckleberry!

My wife has been after me for YEARS to get braces for my lower teeth. It has been a somewhat sensitive issue for me.

For the first 20 years of my life, I didn’t need them.

When I was 21, my wisdom teeth finally came in and they were fully impacted. I didn’t realize this until they had caused my lower front teeth to look like a small pile up on the freeway. I am one of those 4 wisdom tooth story people!

I have tried to point out to my wife that some men that she finds pretty handsome don’t have the straightest teeth: Tom Cruise (before braces), Harrison Ford, etc.

She doesn’t care about that. It bugs her…

and she periodically bugs me.

So, this morning, she followed me as I walked out the door to go to the dentist and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse…

“If I get my weight down to _ _ _, (top secret) will you get braces?”


Right now, it looks like a safe “bet” because her target will not be easy to hit. Our son doesn’t think she can do it.

He doesn’t know her. When she sets her mind to it, she is one of the most determined people I know. Shoot, she trained and ran a marathon when she was 40 years old! and she is not a “runner”.

I guess if I sense that her motivation is flagging, I could just smile real big!

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