She earned every bit

My youngest daughter is turning into quite the little “go-getter.” As soon as school ended, she realized that she would have to take start taking all of the standardized college tests (SAT, ACT) in the Fall.

If she wanted to do well on them, she would have to know Algebra and Chemistry. The problem is that she was scheduled to take them during her Senior year.

She grabbed the bull by the horns and signed up for an Algebra 2 class in summer school AND a dual credit (high school and college) Chemistry class at the junior college.

The Algebra 2 class has been meeting 5 hours per day, 5 days per week; the Chemistry class 3 hours per day, 4 days per week.

On top of that, she has not one, but TWO jobs. She works at an animal hospital on Saturday mornings and at a nice restaurant two to four nights per week! She has been one busy little beaver this summer!

Everything seemed to be going perfectly until this week.

On Wednesday night, she calculated that she had 30 hours of algebra to do by Friday morning! She also had to study for Chemistry because the final was Thursday afternoon! To further complicate things, she could not find ANYONE  to take her shift at the restaurant that night!

I gave her the same advice I have given to everyone who faces “impossible” circumstances: Don’t worry about how you are going to accomplish this. JUST DO THE NEXT THING!

She did…studying 16 hours the next day.

She went into the Chemistry final with a low B average and the Algebra 2 final with a high B/low A. Through a delightful series of unexpected changes in circumstances, she ended up with an A’s in both classes! Yahoo!!!

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Tickets, get your tickets

When I got home from work, my son informed me that the California Angels were playing their last game of the season against the Royals here in Kansas City.

Ten minutes later, we were on the road.

We pulled into the stadium to discover that they were charging $9 for parking!

Oh well…

When we got up to the ticket window, a man asked me if I needed tickets.


He then GAVE me a $26 lower level ticket.

We then bought a $5 General Admission, went in, had a great time together and watched the Angels come from behind and win!

For $14!


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Getting old might not be all that bad!

Last night, after my friend from CA called, I got out of bed and wandered into the living room to see if I could figure out what day it was. My youngest daughter was studying in the living room.

To quote Celine Dionne, it all started coming back to me…

Mom told her that she could visit her friend for a few hours as long as it didn’t interfere with her schooling. She had not come home by the time I fell asleep.

I asked her how she was doing in class.

She is two days behind in her Algebra 2 class with just four days to go!

“Then why did you spend two hours at your friend’s house?”

She said something about a stressful day…needing a break…

Let’s just say that I “addressed the issue” and went back to bed.

This morning, I woke up and again went out to find her studying in the living room. I gave her a hug and a kiss and told her that I hated to bust her chops last night…

but I had to…

It is my responsibility to train my children, not convince them to like me. I have been doing it for 22 years and I have never enjoyed it.

Then, it then dawned on me for the first time…

Being a grandparent is going to be fun! They don’t do much correcting, reproving or rebuking. They mostly just play and teach.  I like both of those much better!

Yeah, this could be fun!!!

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You mean I have to go to work?

My body must be fighting something.

I say that because I was so tired tonight that I fell asleep at 6:30.

At 9:00, my phone rang. A friend from CA called to see how everything was going. He must not read the blog!

Since I was still asleep, I dove right in, giving him bullet points about Cakes not making the cut on American Idol and Big A tearing his knee ligament.

I guess that the sound of my voice caused him some concern because he interrupted me to ask if I was all right. When I told him that I was sleeping, he said he would call tomorrow after work.

I thought for a moment, “I don’t work tomorrow.”

He laughed and said, “You only work one day a week now?”

Huh? What is he talking about?

“It’s only Monday!”

I thought for a few moments and still couldn’t make sense of what he said. Now I was really confused.

“O.K., that sounds fine…”

Maybe by tomorrow I’ll know what day it is!

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A nice, tidy ending

When the tire shop told me that the differential was bad in our F150 Super Crew, I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea who to take it to.

My co-worker, The Steel Trap, came to the rescue.

He called and got a rough estimate of the cost to rebuild the rear end from a shop that he had dealt with several times in the past.

They think they can replace all of the bearings (the things that are making the noise) for only $630!


I say only because it was initially looking like $1,300-1,500.

I took the truck over Wednesday night after work. I told them that this was one of our family’s main vehicles.

Right before I left work last night, just one full day later, the shop called me…


They rebuilt my truck’s rear end in one day!!! You just don’t hear of that type of service any more.

We actually needed that type of service.

I dropped my wife off at the shop this morning and then headed to work in Wild Bill. She then met my daughter at her summer school, traded the Super Crew for the Honda (much better mileage!) and then drove 3 1/2 hours out to McPherson, KS to pick up our injured son up before the team boarded the bus and headed to Fargo.

Whew! What a week!

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He’s done!

Big A woke up this morning with his knee hurting pretty badly.

His visit to the hospital confirmed the pain. He tore his lower collateral ligament. On a scale of 1-3, the doctor thinks it is a 2-3 in severity.

Thankfully, this is not one of the two major ligaments (anterior cruciate [ACL] and medial collateral} that you are accustomed to hearing about it you follow sports at all.

His wrestling season is finished. He will not be competing in the Junior National Freestyle Championship in Fargo, ND next week. Instead, he will be wearing a pretty serious knee brace for the next 5-6 weeks while the ligament heals.

With the Super Crew out of commission, I just have to figure out how we are going to pick him up.

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I REALLY didn’t want to hear that!

After just 3 1/2 hours of sleep, I left for work this morning in our 1979 F150, Wild Bill.

If you have ever driven an old pickup, you know that the steering isn’t very tight. It’s more like steering a boat on the water…you just try to keep it going in the right direction. Given my sleep deprived state, it felt like a continuation of last night’s drive. Is it ever going to end?

I took Wild Bill because my wife took the Super Crew to get new tires put on first thing this morning. After we put 2 new tires on the rear, last night’s noise still persisted.

The mechanic did some further investigation and called me to relay the bad news…

The differential (rear end) is bad! OUCH!!! That is MAJOR surgery!!!

…well north of $1,000!

So much for getting new brakes this week!

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A long day gets even longer

By 9:00 P.M., the caffeine that I purchased from Starbucks had completely worn off and we still had 5 more hours of driving ahead of us. I was not going to stop and get an “energy” drink. That just feels like I would be crossing some imaginary line that shouldn’t be crossed.

When I told my daughter that I was going to have to pull off the road to sleep for awhile, she started volunteering to drive.

“Dad, I’m pretty fresh. I can drive for a little while.”

I wasn’t really all that thrilled with the idea of my 16 year old daughter driving at night while I slept.

After talking about it for a half an hour, I started to cave. I was thinking that if I could sleep for an hour, I would be refreshed enough to drive the final 3 hours home.

“You can’t take any chances. If you feel even slightly sleepy, you need to get off at the next off ramp.”

“Yes, sir. I will.”

As we pulled off the off ramp, a small, strange noise started coming from the back of the truck…almost like someone turned on a switch.

I filled the truck up with gas, switched seats with Cakes and we headed back out onto the road.

As soon as we got underway, the noise resumed.

My first thought was that it must be the tires. I knew I needed new tires but I didn’t think they were THAT bad!

“Pull off the freeway.”

The next off ramp had what looked like a 60 watt light bulb 40 feet above the road. Since I couldn’t see anything, I checked the the tires by hand and found nothing…no bubbles, no exposed metal core…just rubber.

As I stood up to clean my hands and wash the car, I realized that I could not let her drive. There is no way that she is experienced enough to handle an emergency if the noise did turn out to be a tire. Also, up ahead of us, the sky was flashing with lightning.

I gave her the bad news and climbed back into the driver’s seat. I was so, so tired but a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.

It was white knuckle driving for the next 4 hours.

The noise didn’t really get worse. It just never stopped. Every time I passed a car, I made sure I had a good grip on the steering wheel, pulled as far to their left as I could and then drove as straight as I am capable of driving. Then, after passing them, I didn’t re-enter the slow lane until I was certain that we were far enough ahead of them that they would have enough time to react without crashing into us if our tire blew out,…that is, if I was able to bring the truck safely to a stop!

Second, the storm ended up being 200 miles long. The whole time I was concerned about the truck hydroplaning on my needing-to-be-replaced tires.

To top it all off, as I drove mile after mile, it occurred to me that my mind could be exaggerating the whole situation because I was so tired. However, the only way to change that would be to pull over and sleep so I just had to live with it.

We woke up at 3:45 A.M. We got in bed at 2:15 A.M. and a lot happened in between.

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Oh for two

We had been on the road home from Denver for about three hours when my son called me. He is training with the Kansas state freestyle team this week before heading to Fargo, ND to compete in the nationals.

“Dad, a guy had my leg and was trying to take me down. I was fighting him off and my knee popped.”

“What happened?”

“My knee popped.”

“What do you mean, ‘your knee popped’?”

“I mean a ligament popped.”

4 hours ago, my daughter was eliminated from American Idol. Now, my son’s freestyle wrestling season might have just unexpectedly ended!

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That darn shoelace!

Today was the big day…

She finally got to audition for American Idol with at least 10,000 other people at Invesco Field!

The day started early. We were up at 3:45 A.M., in line by 5:00, in our seats by 8:00, finished recording Carrie Underwood’s “Last Night” along with the whole stadium by 9:00. Auditions slowly began about 1/2 hour later.

Because of our registration time, we were seated in the middle. Thus, we baked in the sun for 8 hours while she waited for her turn.

All day long, I heard people either warming up or performing for each other. The more people I heard, the more confident I became. I didn’t hear anyone that came close to Cake’s voice. Maybe all of the really good singers were keeping quiet.

We were seated on the west side of the stadium. The 13 auditioning booths were on the opposite side down on the field. When people sang for the judges, they were singing away from the crowd.

Every so often, you would hear a voice bouncing off the empty seats on the east side of the stadium and rising above all of the noise on the west side. A few were shrieking, trying to make up in volume what they lacked in tone. However, it was obvious that the others had beautiful, strong voices!

Although she sang at 4:30 in the afternoon, Cakes was one of them! When she walked away from the booth without the yellow ticket, I couldn’t believe it!

I know that I wrote about wanting to encourage her to act on the dreams in her heart a few days ago. However, I would not have taken two days of vacation time, volunteered to drive 18 hours and paid for two nights in a hotel if I didn’t think she had a legitimate shot at making it. If my kids aren’t very good, I tell them. Better me than someone else. I am not able to build a real relationship by playing “let’s pretend”.

When I rejoined her outside of the stadium, I asked what happened…

“Something that has never happened. All three times that I went to belt out the high note, my voice didn’t crack but it was thin…I was kind of ‘pitchy’. I was excited but I wasn’t nervous.”

Shoot! Even though I made her drink water all day, she must have been a little dehydrated.

Since it was already 5:00 P.M., we threw our stuff in the truck and went to get gas. As I was filling the truck, I realized that I was already pretty tired. There was no chance that I would last the whole 9 hour drive home.

We headed to the Starbucks drive through and told the attendant that I needed a bunch of caffeine because I had to drive my daughter back to KC because she was just eliminated from American Idol.

A girl joined the young man on the mike. They were so excited! They asked if she would sing for them. When we pulled forward, Cakes got out of the truck, walked up to the ‘Pick Up’ window and sang for them. Naturally, they went ga-ga.

When she got into the truck, she said, “If I had sang that good, I would have made it.”

Huh??? I thought it was good but it wasn’t her best. “You didn’t even sing that good?”


It must not have been dehydration! We had a bunch of time on hour hands, so we started analyzing.

Here is what we uncovered…

She was the first to go in her group, so she rushed a little bit and started a half note higher than she planned to. But, that shouldn’t have been a problem.

The real problem was that she never warmed up at full volume. After her performance at Starbucks, it became obvious that she should have. She would have known that her voice was little thin and could have made adjustments.

There was a reason that she didn’t…

All day long, we would see and hear people singing aloud. Some were really singing. However, most of the others were desperately trying to get someone to pay attention to them. Cakes didn’t want to be like that so she just warmed up softly.

To me, it feels like tripping on an untied shoelace! Next year, she’ll blow the hair off everyone around her and then go audition!

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