Not my favorite weekend activity

My son’s wrestling success has altered my weekends. Every weekend, there seems to be something important that HAS to get done.

Five weeks ago, I HAD to complete my son’s application to Baker University.

Four weeks ago, I HAD to complete his FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid).

Three weekends ago was the state wrestling tournament.

Two weekends ago, I HAD to get a DVD made and mailed out to a coach.

Last week, I made all of the arrangements so he can wrestle in the High School Senior National Wrestling Championship.

This week, my son received a letter from Baker University’s Admissions Department. They need a signed copy of our tax returns.

I honestly can’t remember the last time that completed my tax returns by April 15th. Every year, I file for an extension.

I already REALLY dislike doing taxes. However, this year they are especially complicated with the sale of the house, losing money in the stock market, me earning money in CA while my wife worked in KS, being laid off and doing contract work for six weeks, closing out my 401K and being unemployed for eight months.

However, I HAVE to get them done. Opportunity is knocking! A lot of scholarship money is on the line!

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You just don’t hear that very often

I called the coach who has been training my son for the last few days to see how it has been going.

He said he was really surprised at how strong Big A is, said he has really good technique and is a natural at the sport.

That was good to hear from a disinterested third party, somewhat like a pinch…

you know, pinch me so that I know that this is real and not just a dream…

He also said that he is very coachable…

“You tell him to do something and he does it.”

That was all nice to hear, but…

I wanted him to know that I really appreciated him giving his time and skill to help him. Three different times during the phone call, I expressed my heart felt gratitude for what he was doing. 

Right before we hung up, he said something that really touched me.

“I want to thank you for trusting me with your son. It really means a lot to me.”

I texted my son and told him that when he is saying goodbye for the last time to give Coach a big hug, look him in the eye and thank him. He is a good man!
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You mean, there’s no bomb?

I received a call tonight that I didn’t quite know how to react to…

My second daughter called me.

That is not that unusual. She has called before but it is usually because we need to talk about some really big, important issues.

As the conversation got started, I didn’t know quite how to react. In fact, I was a little nervous…you know, waiting for the bomb to drop.

After about 10 minutes, I just asked her, “Did you call for any particular reason?”


“So you just wanted to talk?”


“Wow. It’s been such a long time since we did that. I don’t quite know how to act.”

We talked for an hour and a half and it was great. She is welcoming her father back into her life and her father is relishing the opportunity!

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I hope it was a good brain fade

A good portion of the stories on this blog arise out of my own stupidity.

Take for instance the story about buying my son a plane ticket to the High School Senior National Wrestling Championship. I was so excited! I went to bed wondering what lead me to change my mind.

Well, now I know!

One reason was the expense of the trip. However, the other and much larger issue was that I had already registered him to take the ACT again that very same weekend!


Where was that memory hiding? I sure didn’t cross my mind at all while I was deciding on whether or not to buy a plane ticket!

Oh, well. It’s done.

I had to pay another $20 to reschedule him for June 13th! That is so late!


If he does well at the tournament, it might not matter.

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Everybody’s favorite sport

You might think that I have been writing about wrestling too much recently.

Well, I beg to differ…

Everybody loves wrestling.

You disagree? Follow along with me…

Point #1:  God likes wrestling.

He sent His angel to wrestle with Jacob. He obviously enjoyed the match because He let it last all night.

One of his favorite people, King David, wrestled a lion and a bar (say it out loud and you’ll get it).

God’s own children are supposed to be wrestling. (Eph. 6:12)

Point #2: Little kids love wrestling.

Today a co-worker told me a story about a school that is conducted at NASCAR events for the driver’s children. A little boy (I think it was Mark Martin’s son) was being interviewed on camera and was asked what they taught at the school.

“The three R’s: readin, writin’, and arithmetic. But I wish they would teach a fourth R.”

“What’s that?”

(with a big grin) Rasslin’!”

Point #3:  Young women LOVE wrestling.

I snuck up behind my wife to give her a big, surprise hug.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you a hug.”

“(Playfully) Ouch! You’re breaking my arms! Girl’s don’t wrestle!”

“Women love wrestling.”

“Where do you get that?”

“Honey, nearly EVERY young woman grows up DREAMING that some young man will want to wrestle THEM! They look forward to the day when he’ll PIN them!” (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, if you know what I mean!)

That pretty much covers the bulk of the population. I believe I have made my point.

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The invisible hand of Providence?

Although I have been trying to find places for my son to wrestle while he is in California, I haven’t been enjoying much success. 

Until this afternoon…

Sometimes it is strange how things work out…

On a Friday morning a little over a year ago, I was laid off for the first time in my life from a job that I had excelled at for 11 years.

My old F150 was parked on the street in front of the main office. As I turned to make my final trip to get the last of my things, I looked at the entrance to the front office and thought that I should say goodbye to the receptionist.

Over the years, I had made a habit of calling to tell her that she was doing a great job, that they weren’t paying her enough, etc. either via a quick personal visit at the front desk or a quick phone call. She always had such a cheerful disposition and was very good at what she did. I made sure that she knew that someone appreciated her work. With that history, I felt that it would be wrong to leave without saying goodbye. So, I walked in through the front door like I had so many times before except that this would be the last time.

As I turned to leave, I noticed that the founder of the company was in the front conference room. That was unusual since he only visited 4-5 times per year. I didn’t know if it was the proper thing to do but as I had always enjoyed a warm relationship with him, I went in to say goodbye to him and a peer who was talking with him. He was visibly shocked when I informed him that this was my last day. I told him that it surprised me too.

I started looking for a new job on Monday morning. That afternoon, my phone rang. The founder wanted to hire me at the same salary on a short term basis for another company that he had an interest in.

I worked at that job for 6 short weeks (1/21/08 through 3/7/08). However, it was during that short six weeks that my son made the varsity wrestling team in Kansas, became the starter and qualified for the state tournament in his very first season. This was obviously VERY exciting and as you have probably gathered, I really like sharing a good story.

As I told the story to whoever would listen, it turned out that one of my co-workers coached high school wrestling on the side. He was really the first person that I “talked wrestling” with.

One of his wrestlers finished in the top 10 in California’s state tournament during the very same time that my son was making his big break through. This year, that kid, now a senior in high school, finished 51-1, losing in the semi-finals in overtime and finishing third in the state of California! Needless to say, my ex-co-worker is an EXCELLENT coach!

Guess who agreed to train my son for the four days he visits his grandparents?

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Just trying to stay on the board

My wife read the blog last night. She said she liked it but I could hear a “but” in her voice.

When I inquired further, she said “It’s just that most of the recent posts are all about our son.”

I have been thinking about that myself…

But, that is what is happening in our home. Wrestling, choosing a college, recruiting, SAT/ACT tests, etc. It has been like surfing. This big wave suddenly has suddenly caught us and thrown us forward and we are just trying to stay on the board to completely enjoy the ride.

The toughest part will be when the wave ends. That time will arrive very quickly. In all likelihood, he will leave to go to college and this young man whom we love will no longer be around to incessantly maul and us ask for hugs.

At that point, we will have to pick up the board and swim back out to catch the next ride.

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Such a “controlling” father

My son has been in California since Tuesday night. However, he cannot get away from the long arm of his father.

He is supposed to be on his Spring Break but I keep unexpectedly rearranging his plans.

One month ago, I informed him that I registered him to take the SAT test at Chatsworth High while he was out in California visiting his friends. He took that test this morning.

After he finished the test, I called him to inform him that I bought him a plane ticket to the High School Senior Nationals. He was excited! (To be candid, I was a little surprised by his reaction. He responded so peacefully when I told him just last week that we couldn’t make it happen financially that I really didn’t know that he wanted to go so strongly. He really trusts his parent’s judgment!)

I then told him that I was sending his wrestling gear via Fed Ex because I was trying to find places where he could train! He was excited.

When I told him that I was trying to see if I could schedule an early morning workout and an evening workout, he was a little less excited.

But, he knows that he has 2 1/2 weeks to get better. EVERYONE at this tournament is VERY good!

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I reached the tipping point

I have gone to bed twice this week filled with wonder and/or amazement.

The first time was last Sunday night. I was truly amazed at how quickly and smoothly I was able to put together a DVD of my son’s wrestling for a college coach.

Tonight is the second time.

I can’t really pinpoint what changed my mind…

It might have been the delay in hearing from the coach at Drexel. We sent the DVD overnight on Monday but he never confirmed that he received it although I requested as much via e-mail and a phone message.

It might have been my way of retaliating against the recent attempt to slander my son. “Forget this small town power play mentality. We are going to make his case nationally!”

It might have been the unselfish college coach encouraging me to do it because my son “has earned it.”

Whatever the reason, I changed my mind…

I bought my son a ticket to Virginia Beach on April 2nd. He is going to compete in the High School Senior Nationals Wrestling Championship! Only Seniors who placed either 1st or 2nd at their state tournament are invited.

My wife tipped the scales when she reminded me that we had a $125 voucher with Southwest airlines that we had to use by May 7th. The voucher has the same “feels like” effect that the wind has in winter. The ticket really cost $223 but it “feels like” $94!

I called the contact person for the Kansas delegation to notify them of my decision. Although all of the rooms were “filled”, she shuffled things around so my son already has hotel accommodations with the Kansas team! Their hotel is directly across from the actual event.

Once I find a way arrange for his transportation from the airport to the convention center, everything will be set!

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A repeat performance?

Last year, my son started wrestling as a Junior in high school and the rest, as they say, is history. (click on the tag “Wrestling” if you are interested) My wife thinks that we might see a repeat performance.

My youngest daughter, also a Junior, started swimming last week. In less than a week, she has already moved from lane 6, the slowest lane, to lane 4. She even visited lane 3 for a bit.

We’ll see what happens…

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