Heard at work #2

As I was walking through our company’s inspection department, I said hello to one of the inspectors. He looked back at me with a slight scowl on his face.

Recently, that has become his normal look. I decided that I had had enough of it and called him out on it.

I put the same kind of scowl on my face and walked right toward him. When I got about a foot away from his face, I asked, “Mike, why are you looking at me like that?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve got a scowl on your face. You always look like you are mad. Did I do or say something?”

His face brightened up, “Oh, I’m sorry…It’s just that I’m in a fantasy sumo league…It’s international…I compete against people in other countries…and I’m really thinking about tonight’s matches.”

I thought he was joking so I laughed and walked off.

But it turns out, he really IS in an international fantasy sumo league!

A fantasy sumo league!?!?!?

I still haven’t completely wrapped my mind around fantasy baseball or football leagues. I understand the concept, but…where do are all of these people find all of this time?

Anyway, my horizons were expanded today!

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Heard at work #1

I asked a young guy in the shipping department how he was doing.

“I’m tired.”

“Tired? Why?”

“Well, I don’t eat right…(thoughtful pause)…I drink too much…(thoughtful pause)…I stay up too late…(thoughtful pause)…and I don’t exercise…(thoughtful pause)…So that might have something to do with it.”

That would probably do it.

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A buyer for Wild Bill?

When I left work this evening, all I could think about was climbing out of the car, limping into the house and getting off of my leg.

But, what am I thinking? I’m 54 now! This is a new year…

While driving home from work, my mechanic called. He had a “young kid” who wanted to buy Wild Bill.

I was not prepared for this…

I mean, it is good news. After all, I have tried to sell that truck on three different times. But whenever I try to sell it, no one wants it.

After the last time, I parked Bill in my mechanic’s parking lot where it has been sitting for the last year and a half.

I tried to stir up some enthusiasm but all I could muster was a weak, “That’s great…”

He then proceeded to tell me that this “kid’s” truck was stolen. The cops had found his truck, towed it to the impound lot, but never called him to tell him. So the impound fees were so high that he couldn’t afford to get his truck back.

I asked to talk to “the kid.”

He doesn’t have any cash right now…

“That would explain why can’t get his truck out of the impound lot.”

He is a tree trimmer…

He’s got worked lined up for the entire week but nothing to haul the cuttings away with…

He should make $3,750…

He’ll be able to give me what I am asking for the truck in 3 days…

I told him that I needed about 45 minutes to get a bite to eat, find the title and drive over to his place.

Things were going according to plan until it came to find the title.

I looked through our folders labeled “Cars”, “DMV”, “Important Papers”…nothing.

I checked again…nothing.

My wife checked…nothing

Do you know that I found the title for every other car (and I have 5 of them if you count my project car) but I could not find the title for Wild Bill!

I decided to go and meet the prospective buyer and give him the semi-bad news.

When we arrived, they weren’t there.

While we were waiting for them to get back, I asked my mechanic what he thought of these people. He assured me that the woman who had brought them to him was a good woman from his church who he had known and trusted for more than 30 years.

I told him that since I couldn’t find the title, I was thinking of letting them borrow Bill for the three days so he could work and make some money. If he still wanted the truck, then he could buy it then. If not, then all he would owe was the price of the new battery.

45 minutes later, a short guy with a long blonde pony tail covered in tattoos walked in.

I thought, “This is a kid?…He’s got to be in his 30’s.”

His newly “pregnant wife” came in with frizzy, afro hair done up in pigtails. I began to wonder if she was trying to play her “part” because she looked like she had a few miles on her.

Then the guys “brother” came in. He was about a foot taller, had black hair and was juiced up on something.

I began to have second thoughts. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to sell Bill to these people. They didn’t look like the type that would take good care of him.

I told them that I was unable to find the title but that we would either find it tomorrow or apply for a duplicate title.

Then to my complete surprise, my mechanic offered to let them borrow his truck so the guy could get to work and I could find the title!

Stay tuned…

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I think they noticed

My first day back at work with my wounded knee was a rough one.

Last night, at my request, my wife picked up a neoprene sleeve or my knee at the local sporting goods store. I thought that if I wore it underneath my pant leg, no one would notice.

What was I smoking?

No one would notice the guy who usually walks at a very brisk pace covering a foot every 2-3 seconds with each step accompanied by facial contortions because of the pain? Really?

No, everyone noticed.

I decided that tomorrow I don’t care who notices what. I am going to wear the full leg brace on the OUTSIDE of my pant leg AND use my friend’s crutches!

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Nothing getting planted today!

How quickly things can change!

I went to bed last night all excited about picking up our trees at the nursery early in the morning and  spending the day getting them into the ground…

But just a few hours later, it became painfully obvious that was not going to happen!

I woke up to go to the bathroom. There is nothing new or unusual about that. Lots of men my age have to go to the bathroom in the night. Except, in my case, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY AGE!

Did I say that loud enough?

I have been getting up multiple times throughout the night since I was a young boy. In fact, when I was about 10 or 11 years old, my mother thought “something must be wrong” with me. So she had the doctor check me out.

I don’t remember all of the different things that he checked but I do remember that he shoved  a 4” long needle with an 8” long, 1.5” diameter syringe full of some modified form of kryptonite into my buttocks!

His diagnosis after harpooning me: “There is nothing wrong with him. Everything is normal.”

It seems that I have been blessed with a highly efficient bladder. Anyway, back to last night…

I went to get out of bed…AND COULD NOT MOVE!!!

And I am not exaggerating for effect. I literally could-not-move. The slightest move of my legs caused excruciating pain!

Unbelievable! My mind desperately tried to remember when this happened…

“I felt nothing when I went to bed…I was all bent over when I was sealing the floor of our back deck…and felt nothing. Now my back is frozen stiff! MAN THIS HURTS!”

It was like a bad dream, except I wasn’t dreaming! I definitely still had to go to the bathroom…

Since our mattress is only about 12” off of the floor, I literally rolled out of bed like a log.

“At least I making some progress.”

Once on the floor, I rolled onto my back and tried to move my legs. Even the smallest move felt like an invisible knife was jabbing into my back, wrenching my breath away.

After several minutes, I realized that I was in a real pickle…

If I just laid still on the carpet I was fine. And I was so tired…I began to drift back to sleep…

until I was reminded that I woke up for a reason! And that reason was not going to go away!

So back to trying to move…

I started praying…because I needed help!

After about 5 minutes, with much pain, I could move my legs a little. I rolled over onto my belly and slowly pushed my torso up until I was on my hands and knees.

I then began to try to slowly and ever so slightly stretch my back.

“Wow, this really hurts!”

I tried to stand up…“Oh, God!!!”

Back to the carpet…

“Well, that is NOT going to work!”

The pain was so intense that sweat started to form on my brow.

And then my bladder sent another reminder, this one a little more urgent, as to the reason why I was putting myself through such agony…

“What am I going to do?…I can’t tell my wife that her beautiful white carpet is now a few shades off because I couldn’t make it to the bathroom!”

I had no other choice but to start crawling…

“I CAN NOT wake my wife up!”

Move… wince…

“I DO NOT want to make a scene.”

Move… wince…

I tried to ease the pain by breathing deeper.

Move… wince…

“This is such an unmanly position.”

I eventually made it over to the doorway to our master bath. While that was definitely progress, I was still in a jamb (no pun intended!). I mean, I couldn’t figure out how I would relieve myself from that position! I need more height…

I grabbed onto the door jamb and pulled myself up like you would climb a rope. Each pull elicited some combination of a whimper, cry, squeal, snort or whine.

I never quite made it to the full upright and locked position, but I did accomplish my immediate goal! And then I waddled back to bed, one slow step at a time, bent over at the waist with my hands on my knees to bear the weight of my upper body and fell back asleep.

An hour and a half later, I tried to turn onto my side and ended up waking both me and my wife up because I winced so loud! My wife massaged me with some ointment and we fell back asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, it took me 45 solid minutes (no exaggeration!) to get out of bed and be able to  slowly and tenuously walk out of our bedroom door.

Needless to say, the trees are not getting planted today!

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That’s-a What-a I Was-a Hopin-a For!

While working in our yard last weekend, several gardening questions came up that I had no answers to like

…What is that fungus growing on our locust tree?

…What is that plant growing right next to our house?

…Why did our tomato plants die so soon?

I needed to talk to someone who works at a nursery, someone who knows their stuff!

So yesterday, during my lunch break, I decided to stop at a nursery about a mile from where I work.

As soon as I got out of the car, I realized that I didn’t want to ask these guys my questions. Although I had previously bought a truckload of soil from them to fill one of my planters, this wasn’t one of my favorite nurseries.

So, instead of heading inside, I stayed outside and started wandering through their shrubbery section. Fairly quickly, a short, fat grey-haired Italian man in his 50’s or 60’s came and asked if he could help me with anything. When it became obvious that he WAS NOT going to let me brush him off, I told him that we were looking for burning bush plants. He showed me some small plants in 5 gallon pots for $25. Same old, same old…

But then, he took me around the corner and showed me some 3’-4’ plants listed for $49.

He said “We-a jus-a reduce-a da price-a by-a 50%! We-a gotta make-a some-a room-a so-a we-a tryin’ to-a move-a them-a out-a he-a.”

Now that is a great price! And 10-15 plants to choose from!

And right next to them were 12 beautiful Japanese maple trees! What a coincidence! I have been looking for the ‘right one’ for nearly two months.

However, my enthusiasm waned when I saw the $249 price tag.

Seeing this, my Italian guide piped up, “That’s-a on-a sale-a…25% off-a.”

That brought the price down to $200…That’s better but it was still a little out of my budget.

I then looked at my watch and realized that my lunch break was over five minutes ago!

After work, I went to the gym and instead of driving by the nursery on my way home, I decided to pull in once again. This time I went inside. My fat Italian ‘friend’ was waiting there.

“If I buy three of those large burning bush plants, will you give me a better deal on the Japanese maple tree?”

“After you-a left-a, I-a talk-a to-a Ben-a and he-a say-a we-a gonna cut da price a leetle more. We-a gonna take-a off-a $100 off-a da price-a. So-a, yes.”

In my head I thought, “You-a gotta deal-a!” But, my mouth said, “I can’t fit them in my Toyota (Paseo), so can I come back tomorrow with my truck?”

“That would-a be-a fine-a. I will-a be-a he-a at-a seven in-a tha mo’nin’.”

We just drove home with two 3-4’ foot tall burning bush plants and a beautiful 9’ tall, 2” diameter Japanese maple tree for a grand total of $213 including tax!

Like-a I-a al-a ways-a say-a, “Yahoo-a!”

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Oh, the hand of Providence!

Ah, there is nothing like a good story involving a dentist

For the past year, I have been truly enjoying the fact that my teeth and gums are finally in good shape. And I am not just patting myself on the back. Oh, no…I have objective evidence.

The last two times that I have gone in for my 6 month cleaning, even though it pains him to do so, my dentist has been forced to compliment me on how well my “home care” has been going. And it has…

Every night, I make sure that every – square – centimeter of my teeth and gums and anything else near them are brushed, flossed, proxy-brushed and Listerined! When I am finished, you can almost hear the wind whispering through the pine trees in snowy Colorado every time I breathe.


On Monday, a little bump formed on my right upper gum where it joins the skin. The last time something like this happened (5/6/12), it was the result of a sinus infection and the swelling went down within a week.

On Wednesday afternoon, it had not gone down. Then I remembered that I had an appointment with my doctor on Thursday afternoon. I was going in for my first physical in over 6 years. It then “occurred to me” that the doctor’s office is fairly close to my dentist’s office.

“Why don’t I see if I could drop in and have my dentist take a quick look at my gum, ‘just to be safe’. “

The dentist called back on Thursday morning and we set an appointment for 3:30.


As I was walking into my 2:00 doctor’s appointment, I noticed that the swelling in my gum had started to go down. I thought about cancelling the dentist appointment but decided that I didn’t have enough time right then.

By the time my doctor finished humbling me (I’m referring to the prostate exam!), I was so concerned that one of the nurses was going to ask me to turn in my ‘man card’ when I checked out and headed to my car that I didn’t even really think about cancelling the appointment.

I had just regained my masculine equilibrium as I sat down in the dentist’s chair. After a quick look, my dentist said, “You have an abscess.”

I thought, “I know…that’s why I made the appointment!”

He then ordered an x-ray.

“X-ray? What???”

I protested, “Why do you want an x-ray?”

“Are you second guessing me? I thought you came here because you wanted me to look at your teeth…(pregnant pause)…Did you change your mind?”

He had me…

While his assistant was preparing to carry that order out, he said “Do you remember that I put a crown on one of your teeth…?”

“Yes.” (How do you forget that?)

“My guess is that the root to that tooth has died and is decaying and that is probably what is causing the infection.”

I recoiled…“So what does that mean?”

With no emotion, he replied, “That means you either need a root canal or we will have to pull the tooth.”

A dark storm cloud started forming around my head…things were going horribly wrong!

“Now wait just a minute! I just stopped by for a quick visit…you were just going to take a quick peek, charge me $20-40, and I was going to drive home feeling really good about how wise and mature I was in deciding to check in with you!”

Now, even though I didn’t really know what a root canal was, I flinched inside when I heard those two words escape from his mouth. Somewhere, deep in the catacombs of my memory banks, extreme discomfort, yes, even pain, seem to be associated with those words. On top of that, I had the distinct impression that this was not a simple, inexpensive procedure and the thought of a small family of Benjamins leaving my bank account was not pleasant at all!

As for the other “choice”…I have already had three teeth pulled…but those were way in the back of my mouth. Don’t get me wrong, I would rather still have them but…I can still eat…and my wife still likes my smile.

But the tooth now in question is right smack dab in the middle of my remaining molars! My wife will definitely see this one! And I don’t even want to think about what it would be like to eat! I can just see a small piece of unchewed steak fitting snugly into that gaping hole!

I decided very quickly that “pulling it” was not an option.

“What if I decide to wait it out and see if it heals?”

“Well, the infection could move up into your brain and kill you.”

“Now there’s a third option that I hadn’t thought about!”

I had been ambushed. All of the fight and resistance disappeared.

As I was sitting in the chair with a small but growing headache (because I had fasted for my blood work) with my jaw splayed completely opened while my dentist drilled a hole in my tooth to drain the fluid, my mind reeled at how my plans were so unexpectedly and dramatically altered.

“This is unbelievable! How did this happen?”

As I reflected on the simple, small, “random” decisions that led to this situation, my disbelief gave way to gratitude.

The only reason I thought about getting a physical in the first place was that my wife recently had one and informed me that it was completely covered under our insurance plan’s “wellness” provision.

I called for an appointment in September because I wanted to get it done before ObamaCare kicks in October.

Although I made the appointment with the doctor several weeks ago, today was the earliest opening available.

I called the dentist solely because it “occurred to me” to me that I would already be in the area.

The only reason I didn’t call to cancel the dentist appointment was because I spent an extra 10 minutes looking for the place because the receptionist’s gave me terrible directions!

Each of those small things put me in a position where my dentist could spare me from much more serious health problems. So as I listened to the sound of the drill, I silently thanked God for directing my steps and protecting me.

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Just like I planned

Every fall, I try to make some progress on our lawn. We bought the house as a foreclosure and it had been empty for nearly a year. Needless to say, the yard was in b-a-a-a-d shape.

The first year, I learned about verticutting and overseeding. But I learned about in October…You are supposed to do it in September.

In 2011, we rototilled half of the front yard because it was completely filled with Bermuda grass. Again, we did it in October. We worked feverishly to get the new seed down and water it before it became too cold.

In 2012, I wasn’t going to do anything to the lawn.

But, once October rolled around, I got inspired and rented a power rake that pulled 26 bags of thatch from our lawn! What makes this surprising is that I used a grass catcher and bags every time I mowed the grass! Once again, we had to hustle to get the new seed down and water it before the cold weather set in.

This year, I was determined to do it when we were supposed to! So, on Saturday morning, I started by cutting the grass to a shorter height. It took 4 hours to mow a lawn that usually takes 35-45 minutes! My wife helped me by bagging 12 bags of grass.

I then spent the afternoon wrestling with a verticutter while my wife followed behind using the mower as a vacuum cleaner. We picked up 12 more bags of thatch.

All that was left was to overseed the lawn. And that was when I remembered last year…

After power raking, I spent many evenings pulling a weed that had a strong, woody stem that dominated yard. This obviously left many bare spots. I figured that I would need approximately 20 pounds of seed.

So I went down to nursery to buy it and ran straight into a classic buyer’s dilemna.

The price for 20 pounds of grass seed was around $2.50 per pound. However, if I bought a 50 pound bag, it was only $1.50.

Hmmm…20 pounds for $50 or 50 pounds for $75? You can probably guess what I bought.

When I finished sowing all of the bare patches that my weed pulling had exposed, I had well over a half bag left! Instead of the $75 that I spent, I figured out that I could have completed the task with $25 worth of seed. What was I thinking!?

As I poured the extra seed into 5 gallon buckets, I kicked myself because I honestly thought that we were going to sell the house this summer. Images of me loading those buckets onto the moving truck floated through my mind.

Well, guess what?

It turned out that I knew what I was doing…

All of that “extra” seed was just enough (and I mean just enough!) to overseed our entire yard! Yeah, I knew it..I was just planning ahead last year…:)

And our timing could not have been better. Just as I was finishing spreading the seed, it started sprinkle. It then rained softly all day today!

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I just followed the breadcrumbs

I decided to do something unusual yesterday.

I felt like I should spend the day reading a certain book.

So, I drove to the downtown Kansas City Library and read…all day.

I can’t tell you the last time I did this…especially on a Saturday.

Today, a day later, I don’t regret it. Although the book was written nearly 30 years ago and is very dated, I came away very encouraged about some of the recent decisions that I have made and some of the plans that I have made for the future.

But, today I am really glad I read the book.

One section of the book was about the “new” technology of the computer typing. The book was published in 1983, a year before Apple introduced the MacIntosh.

The author then recounted some VERY interesting history regarding the typewriter.

The first typewriters were completely mechanical. Even using the “hunt and peck” method, typists would type too fast and cause the typewriter to jam. So, in 1878, Christopher Latham Sholes of Milwaukee, Wisconsin introduced the QWERTY keyboard in order to slow the typists down! Boy, did he ever succeed! If you had a child randomly reconfigure the letters of the keyboard, it would be faster!

And 135 years later, that clumsy keyboard is the one that comes standard on every computer sold today!

In 1932, August Dvorak, a distant relative of the Czech composer Antonin Dvorak, invented the Dvorak simplified keyboard. Every typing record since the end of WWII has been set on this type of keyboard.

While I didn’t know all of this history, I had heard about this keyboard back in the 1990’s. But, my curiousity was stirred.

So, I decided to do a little research online this afternoon.

First, I learned that I can actually choose the Dvorak keyboard layout on my MacBook Pro. That’s interesting…

I then discovered that there are free programs available online that will teach you how to type on this keyboard. Huh…

I then wondered if I could actually buy a Dvorak keyboard. A quick search on Amazon revealed that there is a flexible, silicon layover for the keyboard on the Unibody MacBook Pro.

Ah, the Unibody MacBooks…

They were just introducing them when I bought my current computer back in 2008. I had never considered buying one because I was told that the model that I own was the last one that would run the software that I have used to write several thousand word processing documents.

But, it is still fun to look…

So, I went to Apple’s Refurbished Mac’s web page. I clicked on a computer that was initially released in 2011 and wistfully read through the features when I stumbled upon this:

And since Mac OS X Snow Leopard is designed to take advantage of every processor core,

Wait a minute…

Apple sold Unibody MacBook Pros in 2011 with the Snow Leopard operating system???

But I thought…

I mean, I was told…

The wheels in my mind started turning…

I can buy a new computer from Apple and have it covered with Apple Care for 3 years that will run my old word processing software?

Oh baby, am I glad I decided to spend yesterday reading!

Stay tuned…

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Not too late!!!???

At around 9:15 last night, as I was brushing my teeth, Cakes, our youngest called her mom and asked if she could hang out with some of her new friends from church after work. She promised that she wouldn’t be home too late.

The father instinct in me told my wife to clarify “How late is too late?” In my mind, 12:00 would be reasonable since she doesn’t get off work until 10:00.

I didn’t wait around to hear an answer. I didn’t even wait around to see if my wife actually asked the question. After all, she frequently thinks I am too tough on the children when I am in “Father” mode. It is only afterward, when my hunches are borne out, that she thinks I hung the moon. Anyway, I was too tired to push the issue so I went to bed.

In the middle of the night, I had to use the bathroom. The clock on my night stand read 4:00 as I was getting back into bed.

Just as I pulled the covers up over me, I heard the front door very slowly and very quietly start to open!

What an exciting way to start the morning! I continued listening…

The door quietly closed and the deadbolt slid into the locked position.

Well, that rules out a criminal!

That must mean…

My daughter is just now getting home!?!?!?!?

I decided right then and there that she and I evidently have VERY different definitions of “not too late” and there is no time like the present to get down to discussing them!

Let me just say that it wasn’t all hugs and kisses!

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