Two steps forward

This last month is going to be interesting! The convergence has already started.

I went out to lunch with one of the elders. I thought that he wanted to give me a second interview. Two hours later, I concluded that he just wanted to spend time together and talk. In fact, he did most of the talking! I learned all about his childhood in Iran, how he came to the U.S., etc., etc.

I also received an e-mail from the company in Blue Springs. They want me to come in and fill out the paperwork next week. When I didn’t hear from them for so long, I thought that the tsunami of bad economic news might have caused them to change their mind!

And then there is the Honeywell wildcard…!!!

I thank God that I don’t have to figure it all out. I just have to take the next step(s).

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The first exit polls look good

The early returns look like the interview went well last night.

One of the men asked for my professional résumé. He is going to forward it to a friend who works at the local Honeywell facility. Actually, before I went for the interview, I was hoping that something like that would happen!

Then, this evening another of the men invited me to lunch tomorrow. If I had to guess, I would bet that he wants to check me out in a more informal setting to see if I act differently.

I can’t wait to see where this will lead!

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Round 1 is complete

Ray’s big KC adventure continued tonight.

I was interviewed by four men for the position of interim pastor. I told them that I was just grateful for the opportunity.

Initially, the position is just teaching on Sunday. It will eventually grow into a full-time position as the church grows.

They asked VERY open ended questions so I decided to tell them everything. I’m just not sharp enough to be “sharp” in situations like that.

I also am not very self aware. By that, I mean that I really don’t have a very strong idea as to how I am coming off. So, I just decided to be who I am. If God wants me there, they will like me. If He doesn’t, they won’t.

I will keep you posted.

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Six more months

We signed a new lease this morning. We will be staying in this apartment for at least another six months. I will be commuting to Blue Springs when the new year rolls around. I just hope gas stays as low as it is right now. It is currently below $1.40!

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We are blessed!

I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It definitely is my favorite meal!!!!!!

We finished our celebration this evening!

I had been carrying the ball, telling stories and reminding everyone of the incredible things that happened this year. However, tonight I mostly listened while everyone else recounted all of the great things that happened in their individual lives. My wife even got into the act!

My oldest daughter, Bean, was hired by Neiman Marcus about this time last year. 

Since my wife and two young ones were already here in KC, she was the only one who could help me get the house ready for sale while she finished her last semester at Cal State Northridge. We finally listed the house for sale the Monday before Thanksgiving last year.

When she got to Texas she met someone who gave her FREE housing in the NICEST area of Dallas for her first six months there!

Anyway, the stories, while not as elaborate as mine, still lasted several hours and they were very heartwarming.

I think that this was our best Thanksgiving yet. I think that our ‘new’ way of celebrating finally became a tradition this year.

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How ya’ like the ol’ man now?

I accomplished a long held goal today and it was really satisfying.

About 20 years ago, I told my wife that I wanted to be healthy enough and in good enough shape to wrestle my son when he is 18 years old. I said that before we even had a son.

Well, today I did just that. It was Dad’s Day in the high school wrestling room.

They led us through all of the basic drills that the team does. I could see in my son’s face that he was surprised that I could do the moves as well as I did. He even started to look a little concerned.

But, after the drills…they dismissed us!

I thought, “Hey, wait…don’t we get to wrestle?”

So, my son found a friend to referee the match and we went for it.

He had a 5-2 lead after the mercifully short first period. Then, I pinned him in the second!

You might scoff and say that I am a full grown man and he is a young boy. I should have beaten him.

Well, for your information, I barely cracked the starting lineup in my senior year. And to do so, I had to wrestle  in a weight class 15 lbs. above my weight. I finished with a record of 1-5! So, to beat my son, who won a match in the National Freestyle Championship is…fun!

In all fairness, if the first period went the full duration, I don’t know what would have happened. The ref cut it short because I was so out of breath! and I run 4 miles three times per week!

Anyway, it was a very satisfying, bonding time. I am even toying with the idea of getting back into wrestling shape so we can play some more! But, man am I SORE!!!

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I blew it!

After picking up my youngest daughter, Cakes, from work, I dropped off some bill payments at the Post Office and headed to the Apple store.

I want to finish reviewing the past year so we could continue our celebration of Thanksgiving and all of it is safely recorded on my laptop and my back up hard drive. Both of those items are being held hostage in the bowels of the Apple store.

I told the person who greeted me that I wanted to see if my laptop was finished.

The woman disappeared for several minutes and came back with some surprising information:

“We are still waiting for parts!”

“Waiting for parts!? You guys have had this since last Thursday and I was told 3-5 days.”

“It is next in line.”

“I was told that on Wednesday.”

I then asked if I could take my back up hard drive home and copy the needed information onto our iMac and then return it to the store.

Her initial response was not all that positive so I decided to exert a little moral suasion:

“Look, my second daughter is coming in tonight and all of the memories of our time together last year are on that hard drive.”

I eventually prevailed.

As we were driving home, Cakes broke the silence and said, “What did you mean by your second daughter is coming in?”

That really caught me off guard. My mind was scrambling…

Did she read the blog post?

She couldn’t have. I just picked her up…

So I did what any smart father would have done…I played dumb!

She said well you told the woman at the Apple store…

I writhed as an agonizing pain started shooting through my brain and my heart!

I BLEW IT! Six hours before she landed and I blew it!

Oh, well, we almost made it.

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Black Friday

If that isn’t an appropriately named day, I don’t know what is.

I don’t like it…AT ALL!

My youngest daughter had to work at the kennel. She also had to work on Thanksgiving! I didn’t like that either!

As I headed back home, I turned on the radio and learned that an employee was killed at a New York when the crowd broke the doors down at 5:00A.M!

Someone, please help me…


We shop Wal-Mart nearly weekly. Unless I am mistaken, their prices are usually pretty low. Do they give merchandise away on “Black Friday”? Are the price reductions that great?…

worth breaking the doors down???

Anyway, I have much more to say about this topic, but it isn’t appropriate here. If you want to read more, go to CounterCulture² (in the links section). But, please be advised, it is completely different than this blog. That is where I address uncomfortable issues in our culture that polite people are generally not willing to discuss. It is not for the squeamish.

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The perfect set-up

I can’t fully tell this story without making a confession…

On many nights, my wife and I sleep in separate rooms…

not because my wife is mad at me! No! I am not in the doghouse.

It is difficult for her to fall asleep so, since we have chosen to leave our television in the storage facility, she frequently falls asleep reading on the couch. Last night, was no exception.

The cute part of it is when she tries to secretly tiptoe into the bedroom at four something in the morning because she doesn’t want to wake me up. Well, usually, I have been laying in bed for a few minutes wondering if I should go get her or just get up and start the day.

This morning she “snuck” into the bedroom  at 5:35. No sooner had she got into bed than my cell phone rang.

I don’t usually have my cell phone in my bedroom. I charge it overnight in the library. However, last night my oldest daughter called me after I went to bed. So, rather than getting back out of bed, I just laid it down and went to sleep.

This morning, at 5:37 A.M, my phone rang again. It’s a good thing that I had it! It was my second daughter:

“Kimba, what’s going on?”

“Can you come open the door?”

At this point, I have to give you a little background here…a look behind the scenes for you Hollywood people…a little inside baseball for you sports people…a small leak of classified information for you politicos out there…

With her being recently hired at two different restaurants, her holiday plans were hard to pin down. We have discussed them on AT LEAST three different occasions over the last few months.

In fact, it STILL wasn’t clear to me as of last weekend so I called her and asked her if she was going to be able to make it for Thanksgiving.

“Dad, I told you that I can’t make it for Thanksgiving. I’m coming for Christmas.”

“OK. I thought that was what you had said. Listen, because I keep getting confused, say ‘Dad, I’m not coming for Thanksgiving. Stop asking me.’ ”

So, she did.

Last night, I wanted to play with her so I called her at 8:00. She answered the phone. “Hi, Dad.” (caller ID)

“Are you coming?”

“I told you no!”

“I know. I was just checking to see if maybe something could have somehow sorta worked out some kind of way at the last minute.”

We laughed, talked for a few minutes and hung up.

Back to this morning…

As soon as I realized that “something did somehow sorta work out some kind of way at the last minute,” I leaped out of bed, told my wife to follow me, ran down the stairs and opened the door to not one but TWO shivering young women.

I then realized that I wasn’t really dressed to greet the other young woman so I apologized, ran back up the stairs as fast as I could, threw on some sweat pants and a shirt and ran back to the living room to hug both of them.

She and her best friend took off shortly after we got off the phone last night. They had planned it, got off of work, etc. Wow! What a surprise! What a blessing!

My oldest daughter is flying in tomorrow night. (Big A & Cakes don’t know that so I hope they don’t read this!) This will be the first time that our family has been together (other than a few hours at a wedding) in TWO YEARS! I am thankful.

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Are you ready for…?

Fill in the blank with the next fast approaching holiday and you have a common way to make small talk at this time of year.

However, I am really asking…are you ready for Thanksgiving?

Did you know that we are one of the few countries on earth who actually have a holiday set aside to express our gratitude to God and each other? Although Marxists are feverishly working to eradicate any mention of Christianity with the founding of the United States, you can read a little history about this holiday here.

But back to the question? Are you ready?

The first celebration was a three day feast! We have held onto that part of the tradition fairly well. However, it was never intended to be exclusively a feast. If we let this weekend pass as just a good excuse to eat too much and watch football all weekend, we will miss an important marker in our life this year.

If you are ready, you might just need three days to celebrate it.

Each year, I believe that we get a little closer to properly celebrating Thanksgiving. The first year, it was like jumping into a swimming pool full of cold water. I just did it. However, with each year, everyone gets a little more involved.

Since I am still not working, I have more time on my hands than in previous years. This is the most prepared that I have ever been. I actually remembered to encourage my children to prepare.

What do I mean by getting ready?

To be thankful, you must first remember. There is no way, at least for me, to spontaneously remember all of the great, neat, wonderful moments and events that happened in my family during the past year… especially when my belly is full of food! I have to rack my brain to remember what happened last week!

So, all during the year, I try to record what happens in my family on a daily basis. If I am truthful, I will have to admit that I actually use my Day-Timer or calendar software more to record our lives than to plan out my daily schedule. In the past, I have even used my Quicken (accounting software) entries to help me remember what happened during the year. This blog has been very helpful this year.

As I have gone through most of my notes (my laptop is in the shop!) and made notes on a blank calendar, I have laughed out loud at the fun memories. And now, as I am writing this, I am crying at the touching moments that I know are going to transpire in our home over these next four days. It will take us that long to tell the stories and relive the moments and be grateful. God has been good to us!

I realize that this is late. It would have been more helpful if I had written it a week or two ago. With that being said, it isn’t too late…

Spend a little time remembering God’s goodness tonight…or even Thanksgiving morning. Then make your children and/or your friends sit around the table while you tell a few stories and express your gratitude. You never know what might happen. You just might start a “new” tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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