Uncle Sam wants you

The U.S. Army recruiter arrived just as we sat down to eat a quick meal. He was 15 minutes early.

He informed us that he had just re-enlisted and was going to be deployed in Iraq in April. He said that he originally joined to pad his criminal justice résumé and ended up finding his calling.

He was very straightforward in his presentation and did not try to sell us.

There was one touching moment.

As I was walking him to the door, my son asked him what the “kill rate” was. The recruiter grew very quiet and soberly said that he couldn’t really answer that because several of his friends have died in Iraq and he just couldn’t look at them as a statistic. He said, “I’m not going to lie to you. There are very real, very big risks in joining the military. You need to think about that.”

My son has much to think about.

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Two in one day?

After the interview, I was still not feeling right so I pulled into a parking lot and slept for an hour. I was awakened by a call from my wife asking me to pick up our son from school.

By the time I got to the school, he had vomited. The nurse said that his symptoms were inidicative of a MIGRAINE HEADACHE! He has only had two or three in his life and that was several years ago.

Kinda weird…that both he and I got hit with the same thing on the same morning. Makes me wonder if there is more to this ministry opportunity than first appears…

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A hired gun

This morning I was interviewed by two men for a position as a pastor.

On the way to the interview, I had a little excitement. As I was driving to the interview, I started losing the sight in my right eye! My right eye is my dominant eye!

I had opaque stars flashing in my eye. For me, that marks the onset of a migraine headache. I called my wife and asked her to pray for me. 

Her prayers were answered. By the time I sat down for breakfast, everything was returning to normal.

I think that the interview went very well. I was as truthful and transparent as I know how to be. I think that they are going to recommend me to a small church that cannot afford to support a full-time pastor. Right now, they can pay a stipend for someone to preach and teach on Sundays. Then, as the church grows, their support will grow.

That is actually a perfect situation. It will allow me to gradually step back into the ministry without taking on the full weight of a congregation. Then, if I like it, I can grow in it. However, for now, if it works out, I will be a hired gun.

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Does it matter anymore?

I want to keep this blog free from politics. But, I think that there is a news story that you have not heard much about that really matters. I think that it goes a long way toward proving that our usual sources of news information have become politicized. I posted it on CounterCulture².

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You thought what…?

Something amazing happened tonight. My wife and I came to understand each other a little better.

You might say, “What is so amazing about that?”

Well, it’s just the way it happened. (This is going to be a long post so you should probably get comfortable)

My wife and I had just been marveling that I will be interviewed by two men on Monday morning for a position pastoring a church! It is such an unexpected turn of events.

A few minutes later, I looked up from my laptop and I could tell that something was bothering her. After 5-10 minutes of the “What’s wrong, honey?” – “Nothing” dance, she finally told me.

“Well, I was picturing your interview and I started thinking about your teeth.”

Many times over the course of our relationship, my wife has very nicely and gently mentioned the fact that my bottom teeth are crooked. They weren’t always that way. My wisdom teeth were impacted and reconfigured my smile when I was 21 years old. 

Now, you need to know that we have been under financial pressure for our entire marriage. We have NEVER had a savings account. It has been paycheck to paycheck for 22 years!

So, when she would ask me if I wanted to get my teeth fixed, I evaluated it in the context of our finances, the innumerable things that we needed as a family, things that needed to be done on the house, etc., etc., etc. I didn’t say this but I would think, “Are you crazy? No, I’m not going to fix my teeth. I have all these things (take your pick and fill in the blanks) that are much more important! I’m definitely not going into debt for it! I don’t care if people don’t like my teeth!”

Tonight, I learned that throughout all of these years, she thought I wouldn’t consider it just to spite her!

Then she really rocked me. She told me that it was more important to her than a new diamond ring! I had no idea! WOW!!! I still can’t quite get my mind around that one!

I mean, I talk to my wife all of the time. I am CONSTANTLY asking her what she is thinking, feeling, etc. Yet, even with that effort, here we have had a significant misunderstanding for our entire marriage!

And, if she didn’t tell me that it was more important to her than a diamond ring, that misunderstanding would have continued to harm our relationship! I would have been secretly saving for a ring and she would be wondering why I was “refusing” to fix my teeth.

It is just amazing to me.

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An appointment with who?

My wife had been out on our sometimes “prayer walk” around the track near our apartment for about 10 minutes when it became obvious that I needed something to cover my head in the cold. As I hopped the fence, my wife received a call from a Sergeant. She called me back saying that the call was for our son and asked me to take the phone to him.

We both thought that it was a follow up call from the local police department regarding his recent accident.

I took the phone to him, grabbed a “beanie” and rejoined my wife.

When we finally came in from the cold, we heard

“I am going to meet with the recruiter next Wednesday at 6:00.”

RECRUITER???? What recruiter?

It turns out that the Sergeant was a U.S. Army recruiter!


Son, we have to talk…

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Finally, an offer

I finally received an offer from the company. It was not close to what I was hoping for.

On the one hand, we could live on that salary. On the other hand, I could almost make as much working for Costco.

Now, I will begin the negotiation process. I really don’t like doing this, but…

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Trying to prepare for everything

I took my son to the doctor for his annual sports physical. I had hoped that I would have received and accepted an offer from the company by now and have transferred my children to the new school…

but that hasn’t happened.

His paperwork has to be in to his current school by tomorrow.

We are going to make a copy and hope that it will work for the new school if everything works out with my job offer. I am beginning to wonder…

however, I am staying relatively peaceful considering the circumstances.

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We just took a left turn

Like most people, we are spending the night keeping track of the election returns. It does not look like a good night for freedom. You can read more of my thoughts on this topic at CounterCultureSquared.

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Can’t say that I am surprised

I was supposed to receive an official offer from my new employer yesterday…

I still don’t have it.

I can’t say that I am all that surprised. It would have been strange if things had actually gone as planned.

The delay is altering my plans. 

Once I received the offer, I was going to go sign a rental agreement for our new residence. Once I signed a rental agreement, I was going to enroll the kids in their new school.

Then I wanted to register my old F-150 in our new state since the it expires today!

But, all of those things will now have to be done next week.

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