Tag Archives: Big A
Son, we need to talk
My son just texted me from Mediapolis, Iowa. He is there for a wrestling tournament. This is the second out of state tournament in two weeks. He finished 3-1 for the tournament, earning the bronze medal in his weight class. … Continue reading
How ya’ like the ol’ man now?
I accomplished a long held goal today and it was really satisfying. About 20 years ago, I told my wife that I wanted to be healthy enough and in good enough shape to wrestle my son when he is 18 … Continue reading
I’ve done the same thing
My poor son… He has to be at school every morning at 6:00 A.M. for the morning wrestling workout. He caused the team to do extra drills because he was late the first two days. Well, this morning he definitely … Continue reading
How was your day at school?
My youngest daughter decided to try out for the the school’s Spring musical this afternoon. She sang “Can’t Help Lovin Dat’ Man” from “Showboat.” Well, she knocked it out of the park. The teacher who NEVER gives out compliments was … Continue reading
An appointment with who?
My wife had been out on our sometimes “prayer walk” around the track near our apartment for about 10 minutes when it became obvious that I needed something to cover my head in the cold. As I hopped the fence, … Continue reading
A tough decision just might get a little tougher
After dropping my wife off at Costco, I got inspired to go talk to the wrestling coach in my children’s potential new school. I wanted to see if there is a realistic chance that my son would even make the … Continue reading
Scouting out the land
In anticipation of a positive interview, I decided to drive to the area to “scout out the land” just in case this actually works out. First of all, it is 28 miles away! Even if we get a car that gets 30 … Continue reading
He is in the winepress
As if the front of his neck being covered with scabs, a major conflict with his teacher, not being able to train with the wrestling team or being able to work at his job because of his skin condition weren’t … Continue reading
He fit the profile
I could tell that something was wrong as soon as I picked my son up from school at 3:50 this afternoon. (My daughter was running the three miles to our apartment!) This morning he took a flyer that highlighted the SIGNIFICANT … Continue reading
You have such good kids
Well, it’s official now. I went to Parent-Teacher conferences tonight and heard how wonderful my children are! If they only knew the real truth… just kidding. I have to say that it was rather pleasant hearing their respective teachers compliment … Continue reading