Tag Archives: exercise
Please, tell me again. Why am I doing this?
I keep waiting for the moment when running becomes enjoyable. I have heard that there are people who experience such wondrous feelings but, at least to this point, I am not one of them. Far from it… My inner conversation … Continue reading
A negotiated victory
As I began my run this morning, my legs felt great! However, all during the first mile, my lungs were threatening a violent protest! I glanced down at my watch to see what kind of pace I was setting and … Continue reading
I’m paying for it
My morning run did not go too well. Well, two of the three components of running were not good! My will was so-so. My lungs were fine. However, my body it T-I-R-E-D! MY legs felt like columns of cement. (Please note that I … Continue reading
Today’s First Victory
The birds woke me up at 4:00 this morning. I felt like I had been drugged. That hadn’t change much by 5:30 when I drug myself out of bed and put on my shoes to go run. I gradually woke … Continue reading
Back in the far recesses of my memory…
This morning, I did something that I haven’t done for over two decades… I RAN 5 MILES!
Fitness for Old Farts: Phase 1 is accomplished!
I did it! I weigh 187 lbs. That is what I weighed when I was 18! I don’t look like I did when I was 18 (yet). But, I have lost 27 lbs. this year!
It’s just jogging!
I find that there are three components to my morning jog: my will, my lungs, and my muscles/body. On some days, as soon as I awake, the choice to run has already been made. “It’s on my schedule!” On those days, the challenge … Continue reading
Very interesting
I have noticed that my two mile times are actually faster when I am using Heavyhands. The pumping of my arms seems to act like a reminder to keep my pace up.
Fitness for Old Farts: Phase 2 begins
Now that my aerobic routine is getting established, I am going to add a calisthenics program based on Dr. Ellington Darden’s book A Flat Stomach ASAP! Because of the additional stress this will put on my body, I am going to … Continue reading
Fitness for Old Farts: Phase 1 modified
I already am down to 195 lbs. I have modified my first goal. I will weigh 187 lbs. by February 22nd and I will be at 18% bodyfat! Why did I choose 187 lbs.? That is what I weighed when … Continue reading