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This Day in Castle History
- 2008: A very good year
- 2009: Almost eliminated!
- 2010: What else am I going to do?
- 2015: How to find a great realtor
aging; Bean; Big A; blogging; Bunch; Cakes; church; education; exercise; food; KC; Kimba; LA; maturity; moving; Nashville; politics; problems; recommended; T‑Bird; thankful; Wild Bill; wrestling
Tag Archives: problems
He must be a little insecure
My youngest daughter sure is the center of attention these days. Tuesday is the day her Great Books class convenes on the Internet through WebEx. The Internet traffic from the inauguration was so heavy that it delayed her initial login … Continue reading
I’ve decided to wear it
I am in a little predicament. I had surgery on my gums today. Anytime that I go to the dentist, it is serious. An hour in the ‘chair’ is not my idea of a fun afternoon. However, I realized that … Continue reading
It leaves when?
Does everything have to turn into an event? I left the apartment at 5:20 this morning to take my oldest daughter to the airport. No, I am not publishing the same post twice. This is a different day and a … Continue reading
Worse than my truck
I have been using my cell phone as little as possible since I forgot to pack my charger. Last night, the indicator said that it still had an 80% charge. This morning, the thing wouldn’t even turn on! I guess … Continue reading
Welcome to AT&T
After dropping off my son at wrestling practice, I went to Starbucks to drink coffee and work on my blog. As soon as tried to publish a post, a window popped up to log into AT&T’s wifi. I thought, “You … Continue reading
In the Middle of Nowhere…Really
Today, I drove 117 miles to Amarillo. Why, you ask? The answer should be perfectly obvious: BECAUSE THAT IS THE NEAREST AT&T Wireless store! Do you understand what I just said? I drove 234 miles roundtrip… TO BUY A CELL … Continue reading
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I shouldn’t have asked
As I went to tell my wife the news, I discovered that the phone that I bought yesterday morning to replace my Cingular 8525 was dead! This cannot be happening! I unhooked the car and drove into town. A young clerk … Continue reading
Going Undercover
Not willingly. My beautiful AT&T 8525 just died. No, it’s not the battery. No, it’s not the charger. The phone is dead. This is the second replacment phone. I will call AT&T when I get back to Kansas.