And they’re off…

I started the new year off early this year by taking my youngest daughter’s friend to the airport at 4:15 A.M.!

Because of this, my wife and I were in bed well before midnight on New Year’s eve. Somehow, the thought of staying up late to watch the clock tick isn’t quite as thrilling as it once was.

To be truthful, I never really got it. I mean, the typical New Year’s celebration is so counter productive.

Like most of the population. each year I would resolve to make big personal changes in the coming year. Most of these changes involve being more disciplined. By that, I mean getting up early, beginning an exercise program and losing weight.

And so what would I do on the very first day?

Stay up into the wee hours of the morning, sleep in later than normal and then spend the first day of the year eating more delicious foods and snacks than I should. I made the resolution because I needed to change and then the first thing that I would do is make the problems even worse!

Is it any wonder why most New Years resolutions are abandoned by February?

Anyway, Happy New Year! I think that the whole world is in for some interesting times.

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One Response to And they’re off…

  1. Davy Stremic says:

    Ha! Too true!

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