My son’s wrestling success has altered my weekends. Every weekend, there seems to be something important that HAS to get done.
Five weeks ago, I HAD to complete my son’s application to Baker University.
Four weeks ago, I HAD to complete his FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid).
Three weekends ago was the state wrestling tournament.
Two weekends ago, I HAD to get a DVD made and mailed out to a coach.
Last week, I made all of the arrangements so he can wrestle in the High School Senior National Wrestling Championship.
This week, my son received a letter from Baker University’s Admissions Department. They need a signed copy of our tax returns.
I honestly can’t remember the last time that completed my tax returns by April 15th. Every year, I file for an extension.
I already REALLY dislike doing taxes. However, this year they are especially complicated with the sale of the house, losing money in the stock market, me earning money in CA while my wife worked in KS, being laid off and doing contract work for six weeks, closing out my 401K and being unemployed for eight months.
However, I HAVE to get them done. Opportunity is knocking! A lot of scholarship money is on the line!