What was the teacher smoking?

My youngest daughter, Cakes, decided to take choir class this year. Periodically, they will give a concert.

I wrote about the last one here.

But this one was going to be different. This concert was going to include performances of contemporary pieces.

I thought, “Great! This is right in Cake’s wheelhouse.”

This morning, she sent a text informing us that she wouldn’t be performing her “What a Wonderful World” solo.

We decided to go anyway. After all, we have heard quite a few of the students sing in various plays and there are a handful that are really good!

Cakes sang with the group in the big opening number. Then she disappeared…

For the next hour and a half, we watched one bad performance after another. It was like watching a high school talent contest.

You might say, “Well,that’s what it is!”

Yeah, but…

I’ve seen and enjoyed several of the school’s musicals. I know that there are kids with great voices. This was bad!!!

How about the freshman girls choir doing 4 numbers! First, they are freshman. Their voices aren’t fully developed. Than, add in the fact that they stood absolutely motionless while dressed in blue jeans with black t-shirts with almost no lighting!

I was starting to think, “Why did I agree to come to this?”

You are probably thinking, “You’re just bitter because your daughter didn’t get chosen to do a solo.”

O.K. You want evidence, huh…How about this?

New York

A young man strolled on stage wearing a black suit with a fedora. He has been in every play and we like him. He is very animated when he is on stage…delightful to watch. (need to be careful…starting to sound like a theater critic there)

He was going to sing Sinatra’s “New York, New York.” So far, so good!

He sang the first two lines of the song and said, (and I am quoting) “I can’t sing”…(sang the next few words)…oh well…(sang the next few words)…let’s go for it.”

To his credit, he gave it his best effort. I admire him for that. But, it was not good…by a long shot! He, and we, endured a-l-l  t-h-e  w-a-y  t-o  t-h-e  e-n-d  o-f  t-h-a-t  v-e-r-y  l-o-n-g  s-o-n-g!

As I was watching him give it the old high school try, I thought “You have got to be kidding me! He (the choir teacher) didn’t think that Cakes could do better than this?”

Anyway, I left the concert like a pot of chili on the stove top…on a slow simmer.

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