Every day, no…every hour is an adventure

I am really becoming a true Mid-Westerner…

It seems that all I want to do is talk about the weather!

But, here in Kansas City, we have the best weather in the country.

Take today for instance…

When I drove to work at 6:30 A.M., it was in the low 20’s. But the sky was clear and the sun was rising. The forecast said that we would get above freezing.

At lunch, the sun was completely gone, the temperature had dropped to I don’t know what, and we were engulfed in something I have never even heard of before…

Freezing fog! I’m not kidding!

There was white stuff on my car but it was not snow. It was like big granules of powdered sugar.

Then, in the afternoon, the sun came back and we actually DID get above freezing for the first time in weeks.

You talk about adventure! It is like, “What is God going to whip up the next time I walk out the door?”

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