Author Archives: RLW3
A buyer for Wild Bill?
When I left work this evening, all I could think about was climbing out of the car, limping into the house and getting off of my leg. But, what am I thinking? I’m 54 now! This is a new year… … Continue reading
I think they noticed
My first day back at work with my wounded knee was a rough one. Last night, at my request, my wife picked up a neoprene sleeve or my knee at the local sporting goods store. I thought that if I … Continue reading
Nothing getting planted today!
How quickly things can change! I went to bed last night all excited about picking up our trees at the nursery early in the morning and spending the day getting them into the ground… But just a few hours later, … Continue reading
That’s-a What-a I Was-a Hopin-a For!
While working in our yard last weekend, several gardening questions came up that I had no answers to like …What is that fungus growing on our locust tree? …What is that plant growing right next to our house? …Why did our … Continue reading
Oh, the hand of Providence!
Ah, there is nothing like a good story involving a dentist… For the past year, I have been truly enjoying the fact that my teeth and gums are finally in good shape. And I am not just patting myself on the … Continue reading
Just like I planned
Every fall, I try to make some progress on our lawn. We bought the house as a foreclosure and it had been empty for nearly a year. Needless to say, the yard was in b-a-a-a-d shape. The first year, I … Continue reading
I just followed the breadcrumbs
I decided to do something unusual yesterday. I felt like I should spend the day reading a certain book. So, I drove to the downtown Kansas City Library and read…all day. I can’t tell you the last time I did … Continue reading
Not too late!!!???
At around 9:15 last night, as I was brushing my teeth, Cakes, our youngest called her mom and asked if she could hang out with some of her new friends from church after work. She promised that she wouldn’t be … Continue reading
Do you really want my opinion?
The penultimate moment In the movie “A Few Good Men” comes when Tom Cruise’s sharp young lawyer Kaffee demands, “I want the truth!” Jack Nicholson’s crusty old Colonel Jessup yells back, “You can’t handle the truth!” It seems that am forced … Continue reading
Somebody is not happy!
Talked w/Big A-someone threw rocks through two of the Nissan’s windows last night