Our growing extended family

This year marked the first Thanksgiving that we didn’t have all of our family present.

Big A celebrated Thanksgiving with my family in New Jersey. My middle daughter, Kimba, couldn’t make it because of her new job at Starbucks so she celebrated it with members of her church family in Tennessee. Our oldest daughter, Bean, made the eight hour drive up from Dallas.

Oh well…I guess she must love her parents more…(just kidding!)

However, our table was not empty. We had three daughter’s from two other families visit us.

This marks the second year in a row that we have had a guest spend Thanksgiving with us!

Last year, one of the Kimba’s Tennessee friends drove with her all through the night to surprise us on Thanksgiving morning. She must have enjoyed herself because she came back for a second helping this year and brought one of Cake’s friends with her!

Well, there might have been another reason…

A few months ago, her younger sister moved to Kansas City to go to school. So, why not kill two birds with one stone.

My wife and I have known all three young women since the day they were born. We watched our children grow up with them so it was pretty much like having extended family around the table.

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It feels like I’ve seen this before

Big A wrestled at another open tournament this weekend…

and got his first college victory!

In fact, he got two!

He lost his first match by a score of 4-2. If he could have held his three point back move for a few more seconds, he would have won that one. But he lost his grip and the match literally slipped out of his hands.

He then won his first college match by a score of 9-2.

His won his third match in overtime by a score of 7-5. He was happy that he won but he really wanted to be writing an overdue paper for his English class.

In the fourth match, he injured his thumb badly enough that the match had to be stopped so they could tape it up. That coupled with the paper weighing on his mind made the fact that he got pinned a nearly pleasant outcome.

So, his record is now 2-4.


That was his record after 6 varsity matches in high school!

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In the right place at the right time

As a writer, one of the frequent challenges I face as the author of this blog is what to write about. After all, my life is not all that different from everyone else. What makes mine special?


I have just chosen to write about it. And in the process of writing, I am forced to actually stop and look at my life.

I intended to write what follows last Monday, but forgot…

By nature, I tend to be a negative person. I think that I was made that way. Heck, even my blood is O negative! I usually see the problems that need to be solved, the difficulties that need to be overcome, etc.

I don’t think that is necessarily a problem…or even bad. The world needs people like me to bring some of the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” people back down to earth!

However, if I am not careful, I can easily slip into the dangerous psychic malady of being ungrateful.Therefore, to combat this personality tendency, I usually start my day by going out for a “thanksgiving walk” where I purposely and specifically thank God.

When I stepped outside in the wee hours this morning, I saw raindrops hitting the puddles in the apartment parking lot. But, in the darkness, they looked small and it didn’t look there were very many of them. I decided to put my hood over my head and go find out.

What a surprise! It wasn’t rain…it was snow!

I went walking in the first snow of the year in Overland Park! Seeing the snow fall back lit by the street lights was beautiful!

Then I remembered…

I was also present for the first snowfall in the United States this year!

I don’t know what is significant about that…other than I was there! Twice!

Oh yeah, I thanked Him!

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My latest trip to the Twilight Zone

I wonder if these are signs…

I wonder if I am being sucked back into a black hole…

Just like yesterday afternoon, I have reason to be happy.

Our mechanic installed he transmission that I picked up in Wichita last weekend and the Nissan drives great! It ended up costing us $1,089 instead of the $2,500-$2,800 that the transmission shops quoted. That is really fantastic!

As my wife drove the Nissan home, I figured that I would head to the junkyard to look for a right front turn signal for the Paseo and a few parts to fix up our nice truck since I was somewhat in the neighborhood. While I was there, I thought I would also look for anything that I might need for my Thunderbird.

I ended up stepping into The Twilight Zone!

I parked on the street in front of the office because the parking lot was full and people were lined up waiting to get in.

I decided not to take any tools for my first trip. There is no reason to  lug those around if they don’t have anything that I need.

I went through the entire yard…not one Paseo…not one Super Crew. But, they did have multiple sets of the increasingly difficult to find side view mirrors that I am using on my Thunderbird.

I walked all the way out to my car and got the tools that I thought I would need.

The mirrors were on cars that were near the back of the yard. Just as I got back there, the following message blared over the loudspeaker:

“The owner of the red car parked in front of the store, you need to move your car or you are going to be towed.”

I thought, “My car is red…I am parked in front of the store…But, I’m on the street…They can’t be talking about me…I better not take a chance.”

So, I hurriedly walked to the office. Just as I got to the counter, a red car parked directly in front of the front door moved. Just to make sure, I asked if that was the car they were talking about.


I pointed to my car and said, “Then my red car is fine, right?”

“Well, the police will ticket you.”


I went outside to check the parking signs. There were none for over 100 feet. But, if you walk far enough, you could find small, 8″ X 8″ No Parking signs.

I hopped into my car to try and joined the line. I finally found a spot and headed back in to get the mirrors.

I found the car with the nicest set, took the door panel off and started to remove the mirror when I realized that I needed another tool!

Back out to the car to get the tool…

Back into the yard…

I realize that what I about to write will make me question my sanity, but it’s the truth…

I could not find the car that I had just been working on! I looked and looked and looked! It’s like they came and took the car off the lot while I was gone! This sounds like me looking for the house yesterday!

I NEVER found the car!


I’ll just get the mirrors of another car.

I started taking off the door panel…

and discovered that I needed two more tools!

I had already wasted an hour!

I concluded that this was just not meant to be, walked out, got into the car and stewed for the next 30 minutes!

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I wonder where they moved that house…

I am not a happy camper right now.

I get off work at 3:30 on Friday’s. I really look forward to that because I have an extra time to get something done. It feels like I get an extra hour and a half of life on Friday…like setting the clocks back at the end of Daylight Savings Time except that it happens in the middle of the day when I can actually enjoy it!

Today’s hour and a half started out so promising!

On my way to work Monday morning, my front passenger turn signal light on my Paseo popped out of its place and was swinging and dangling on its wire as I drove down the freeway. I cannot imagine how THAT must have looked to the other drivers!

When I got to work, I asked the man who runs the auto body shop directly across the street from my place of employment how much it would cost to fix it. He did it for free!

Later that afternoon, I went over to shake his hand and thank him. I patiently waited while he gave an estimate to fix some minor damage on the rear this woman’s Escalade. His price was good…REALLY good!

A thought occurred to me, “Maybe he can help me with my project car!!!”

I went over today after work to see if he could give me a quote to do the bodywork and paint on my Thunderbird. He told me to take pictures of every section of my car and he would give me a quote on Monday morning.

I thought, “Why wait until tomorrow? I have an extra hour and a half!”

So, I drove over to the place where my Thunderbird is parked…

except the house was missing!

I spent over an hour looking for that house. It turns out that I had “remembered” the wrong street!!! When I finally found my car, it was too dark to take the pictures! And, this week’s hour and a half was gone!


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I like my little Paseo!

I like my little car!

First, since the gas tank only holds 10 gallons, I can fill it up for about $20!

Second, that $20 will last nearly a week since I am getting 35 MPG!

Third, I had forgotten how much I enjoy shifting gears. I like having a manual transmission! I feel like I am driving again! It is making me want to finish my Thunderbird.

Fourth, it handles fairly well so it is a kick to take turns or drive cloverleaf on and off ramps!

Fifth, it has a really tight turning radius. I can make a u-turn in a bathtub!

It’s not all roses though. There are a few negatives…

You can’t drive a five speed and hold a cup of coffee in your hand.

There is no cup holder to put said cup of coffee in.

There is no cruise control. With all of the automatics, I would just set it and forget it. Now, I have to drive!

Did I tell you that I like my little Paseo?

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Captain Jack Sparrow, meet the Lord of the Castle

You would think that a mirror is a mirror. They reflect the image in front of them.

You would think by their construction (a piece of glass placed on top of a shiny reflective surface) that they should be the same. But, people don’t always think so.

Women are constantly complaining that some mirrors make them look fat. My youngest daughter, Cakes, told me that her voice teacher has the most unflattering mirror that she has ever peered into.

I’ve never really bought into that idea before. A mirror is a mirror!

I must admit, though, that there was a time when I too thought that my bathroom mirror made me look fat. It just happened to coincide with the fact that I was actually quite a bit overweight! So, maybe those women might want to reevaluate just exactly what is making them “look fat”.

But tonight I ran into a type of mirror that I have never even heard about before…

I looked into one that makes me look older!


I don’t know how that works but I know it is true!

My hair is strawberry blond. Every now and then, one of my children will tease me that my hair is turning gray.

When I challenge the ludicrousity  (cool word, huh! just made that up!) of their assertion, they protest and get real close to my head to yank out a piece of the confirming evidence. Inevitably, the “gray hair” magically disappears!

When I look in the bathroom mirror in the morning, I don’t see any gray hair. Of course, now that I think about it, I usually use the mirror to comb my hair right after I get out of the shower. So, my hair is still wet. I think that favors the colored hair over any gray hair…

However, on my way home after work, I stopped by Costco to see my wife. While there, I had to use the restroom. While washing my hands, I made the mistake of looking into the mirror.

I am telling you that mirror had to be made by the same company that did the special effects for the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”. It made me look like one of Captain Jack Sparrows henchmen in the moonlight!

I didn’t see a little gray hair…I saw lots of it!

And I don’t even think that it looked gray! White would be more accurate!

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Truthfully, it startled me!

I ran out of the bathroom screaming at the top of my lungs!

Not really, but…

When I got home, I looked into my bathroom mirror…

It is so much friendlier…

And it is familiar with my reflection…

Yep! I look pretty much like I did this morning. Everything is back to normal!

Whew! That was close!

I just need to make sure I stay out of the moonlight from now on!

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Turn the Caps Lock button off

It looks like Big A has shrunk a little…

He’s now medium A…

or perhaps even small a…

He ended his high school wrestling career with a flourish, losing in the state finals to one of the top 10 wrestlers in the nation.

This weekend, he wrestled his first two matches in college…

and lost!

The first match was close. He lost to a 3 time NY state champ by a score of 4-2. And “little a” had a takedown but was ruled out of bounds.

He lost his second match by a score of 6-0.

I talked with him on the phone and I have to tell you that I like his attitude!

He wasn’t discouraged and he wasn’t closing his eyes to the obvious. He knows exactly what he needs to improve on and still thinks that he is on schedule to compete for a starting position next year as a red-shirt freshman. It reminds me of how he was in high school. He could see the progress that he WOULD make before anyone else could and then he went out and did it!

I think this is going to be fun watching this letter grow!

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I think we found our new home

It’s over!

The search is over!

At least, I think it is over.

After 20 months and 13 churches, I think we finally found our church home!

I say I think because my wife still has a few small reservations. She likes the worship and the preaching…

And, we have inquired as to what it actually takes to join the church…but I like it a whole bunch!

I never, and I mean never, thought that we would end up in a Pentecostal church!

Well see.

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How quickly things can change

As planned, I drove to Wichita today to pick up a transmission for the Nissan.

I don’t really mind these long drives. I get time to think, listen to my favorite preachers on CD, etc.

About 30 minutes from my destination, memories started to flood through my mind. I realized that the last time that I was in this city was March 1st. That is our anniversary.

No…I did not take my wife to beautiful, downtown Wichita, KS to celebrate our anniversary!

Our family was witnessing/celebrating my son’s big achievement.

As I drove through the area, I was just struck by how quickly the trajectory of his life changed.

At this time last year, he was just starting his second full season of wrestling. His coach wasn’t expecting much. In fact, the year did not really begin all that great.

Lest you think that this is a bunch of nostalgic drivel from a doting old man, this time last year, my son set up an appointment and met with a recruiter for the U.S. Army!

Now, he is matriculating at the sixth ranked school in the country for undergraduate entrepreneurial majors. Tomorrow, he wrestles in his first Division 1 college tournament! Absolutely amazing!

One year ago today, after eight months in Kansas, I received an offer from my current employer!

What a difference a year can make!

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