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This Day in Castle History
- 2008: A very good year
- 2009: Almost eliminated!
- 2010: What else am I going to do?
- 2015: How to find a great realtor
aging; Bean; Big A; blogging; Bunch; Cakes; church; education; exercise; food; KC; Kimba; LA; maturity; moving; Nashville; politics; problems; recommended; T‑Bird; thankful; Wild Bill; wrestling
Tag Archives: Big A
It’s better outside the box
Wild Bill threw a shoe recently. When we (really my wife and kids) have had to use the truck, we have been driving on a spare. My son, always trying to be helpful, went out of his way on several … Continue reading
So that’s how you do it
It seems that if it’s Saturday, I am spending the day with my son at a wrestling tournament. Today was no exception. He won again. This is his third tournament in a row. However, he had a really tough second … Continue reading
Actually enjoyable
How do you tell the man who started first and has conducted himself with honor and integrity that he probably won’t win? How do you tell the first coach that thought your son was good enough to wrestle in college that your son is … Continue reading
A Kansas tornado in Philadelphia?
Tomorrow is Decision Day. The Baker coach called to confirm our dinner appointment tomorrow night. I called the Drexel coach. He answered the phone again! That’s three times in a week! He received last week’s e-mail. It sounded like he was … Continue reading
For free…nah. Let’s pay for it!
I woke up this morning to the realization that my son’s next SAT date is less than two weeks away. He has been working very hard at his school work but he has not done any extra preparation for this … Continue reading
Roll the tape again
The Drexel coach has evidently had a change of heart. I put eight matches on the DVD. 3 of those showed my son losing. You might ask, “Now why would you do that when you are trying to impress someone?” … Continue reading
Throw the line in and see if we get a bite
“I don’t know if your plans have changed since the last time we spoke, but would you be open to relocating to the NY/NJ area?” That was the beginning text of an e-mail that I received from a recruiter last … Continue reading
Hide and seek, round two!
I have one week to make a BIG decision… Where should my son go to school? How will we pay for it? I decided to call the Drexel coach. I didn’t really hold out much hope when I dialed the … Continue reading
He found me!
I got an unexpected call this morning. It was a call that I had been trying to avoid. Last week, we received the scholarship offer from Baker University. The school costs $28,000 per year. After academic and athletic scholarships and … Continue reading
The latest ambush
As you know, I have two high school aged children left in our home. Every now and then, I get ambushed by their developing brain. I use the word ambush because the situation arises so suddenly and unexpectedly that I know of … Continue reading